Left Without a Choice [Chapter One Part Nine]

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Finally, back to my senses, I composed myself the best that I could and went home to help everyone out. I silently did as I was told while everyone was running shop. Throughout the day, I'd move an item or two to my room so I can pack it away. While my family was in the front of the shop handling customers I ran upstairs and began to pack.

Remembering how my father retold his experiences away from the village I avoided miscellaneous items. The more I brought with me the more I'll be inconvenienced in the long run. Halfway through I had to cover my eyes and breathe slowly to prevent myself from crying again. I must do this. I must protect them. I finally tightened the straps around my quilt and put it on my pack. I hooked onto my hip a hunting knife and grabbed my canteen. "I'll carry that," I muttered to myself.

I crept downstairs and peered into the shop one last time. A lopsided smile crept across my face as I took it all in. At the top of the shelves, you could see a small but noticeable layer of dust that always found its way in the shop. I saw my mother idly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she spoke with a customer. I'm going to miss her so much. Who's going to make me tea when I felt alone? Who's going to give me the best hugs in the world?

Father was laughing with the blacksmith; his arms were crossed in front of his chest. I hope I'll be able to laugh like him, effortlessly and without a care in the world. Hopefully, I'll grow up to be a fraction of the man that he is. Everyone always told me that I'm a younger version of him with a dash of my mother's personality.

I finally looked to see Jacob, he was cursing as he carried multiple boxes around the side of the store for another customer. What am I going to do without him? He's my other half. He's the blazing sun to my cool moon. Without him who could I be? He had more of my father's carefree personality. Without hesitation, he'll say exactly what he thinks and as much as I chastised him about it...it was a trait that I wished I had. He was fearless and he would do anything for me, which is why I must go.

If something happened to him, to them, because of me I would never be able to cope with it. My eyes began to water and more than anything I wanted them to hold me. I slipped out of through the back door lip quivering.

I'm abandoning them. I'm leaving the family that raised me and supported me through my hardest days as a child. I took one last look back at my home from a distance. "Maybe we'll meet again in another lifetime," I whispered to no one in particular as I left my home and took my first step into a tainted reality filled with uncertainty.


We are now officially done with chapter one! I'm so excited because Vaughn's world is going to start expanding with these upcoming chapters!

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