Son of a Merchant Reprise [Chapter Four Part Six]

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I scrunched my eyebrows in frustration and turned the other way. This won't work. I can't go back to sleep at this point.

I moved out of the bed and began to change. "Where are you going?" Atticus yawned stretching in bed.

"I can't sleep so I'll just be walking around. Go back to sleep."

"Okay," Atticus turned back into position. "G'night." I walked out of the suite and locked the door behind me.

I ruffled my hair in my hands. "Vaughn you just need to not focus on that now. It-it may not be a big deal." I half-heartedly mumbled as I stepped into Tagano's parlor area. To my surprise, Bruno and Tita were sitting there already having some drinks.

"Vaughn, what are you doing up so early?" Tita questioned me as she sipped her drink.

I twiddled my thumbs. "I had a-a-dream so I decided that being awake was better?"

Bruno's eyes narrowed and he leaned towards me. "Does it have to do with Ilcryst?"

"It's not I swear!" I tried laughing it off but even I could tell that I wasn't convincing. "It's really not though."

"If the dream is a one-time occurrence then pay it no mind." Rosita folded her hands together. "If the dream keeps coming back then you should pay more attention to it because there may be a meaning behind it."

I looked away from them towards the inn entrance so they wouldn't see my flushed face. "Of course, that makes total sense."

Bruno downed the rest of his drink and clanked it down on the table. "Alright then," He raised his hand. "Betty, just put these drinks on my tab. I'll pay it out before I leave town."

"You go it!"

"Rosita, Vaughn, it's about time we headed to the town hall." The couple stood up and we followed Bruno's lead out of Tagano's. "That's where our lead is."

Rosita skipped and laughed. "Ah, this feels just like old times!"

"Sure does, Peaches." Bruno pulled Tita towards him and kissed her head.

As we strode out of Tagano's we kept on walking out around town towards a large building with smoke already coming out of the chimney. The gray smoke swirled into the pink-yellow sky as we entered daybreak.

"Father, that's the guy that suckered us out of our money!" We turned to see Frankie and some man stomping towards us.

"Who's the old guy?" I threw my thumb in his direction.

Rosita leaned towards me and whispered. "That's Franko and his son Frankie, they work at the local market." Now that I think of it, I really should have put one and one together. Frankie literally has almost the same name as his father.

I snickered, "I basically robbed their place yesterday."

"No you didn't!" She giggled and straightened up once they were just across us blocking our path.

"I heard you wrangled my son into an unfair trade. What do you have to say for yourself?" The burly man wrapped his arms across his barrel chest.

Knowing the bad blooded history between his family and mine I was ready to be set off. "Maybe he should join another profession if he can't handle some bartering. He could have easily refused my offer though I still feel it's a solid offer." I clicked my tongue and smirked. Although my outward appearance felt fine on the inside I was internally screaming and telling myself to run in the opposite direction. If my mother can stand up against this man then I can too!

"Why you!" Frankie growled and with a flushed face rushed towards me. For a moment, I flinched and froze in place not knowing what to do. I've never been in an actual fight before. "Ah!" I opened my eyes to see Frankie toppled over on the floor. I looked to see where the hit had come from to see Atticus standing there; teeth clenched with an unfamiliar glint in his eye.

Looking down on the merchant he only uttered two words. "Back off." I barely even heard Franko telling us to go fuck ourselves as he helped his son up and they walked off together. All I could really focus on was how Atticus had this look to him. Although it's only been about two weeks I feel like I've learned a lot about him. Seen more of him than I ever would have otherwise. It simply intrigued me. He's like a book that keeps getting more pages added to them and I just want to keep reading more and more of it.

"What were you thinking Vaughn?" Atticus turned towards me. The unfamiliar look was gone and now he was just frowning at me. "Why would you agitate them? If I hadn't walked by when I did you could have gotten seriously hurt!"

"I-I'm sorry." I clutched my hands towards my chest. My pulse was speeding up and I felt a slight shortness of breath. "I just was feeling a lot. His father having treated all these people I know so rude and a little cocky since I out-negotiated his son."

Atticus held his gaze towards mine for a moment and sighed. "I just can't leave you out of my sight; now can I?" Darting my eyes away from him I blushed and muttered a no.


Day 1 of Spring Break: Finds out my cat has ringworm. ToT Wish me luck y'all! -Ryan

P.S. My fiance is a smartass.

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