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In the previous update, I told you all that questions can be directed towards myself or to the characters that you as the reader have encountered so far.

The first set of questions are addressed yours truly!

   Q: Which do you prefer: fox or wolves?

        A: I'm so sorry Atticus. I love wolves but fox are so cute and quirky!

   Q: Are any of the characters based off people in your personal life?

        A: The sun will rise in the west before I base a character on someone I know! I can be pretty cruel to my characters! I'm not sure if it's a stretch but Vaughn is based off my personality back when I was younger, and Atticus' personality is based off my work mentality. Besides that, nah.

   Q: What's been the toughest part of writing this story?

        A: NAMES! I swear, I am terrible at coming up with names! The story was originally just called "Fox & Wolf" and in the story itself I just called Vaughn Fox and Atticus Wolf. It's really bad! Naming new cities is also a pain and name generators online tend to spit out the same names, so they don't help me.

The next set of questions are directed towards the series frontrunner Vaughn!

   Q: If you faced off in a drinking match with Atticus who do you think would win?

        A: I'd bet my money on myself. I remember sneaking out with Jacob one night to a nearby lake with a jug of mountainshine. Jacob was stumbling around like a fool while I felt pretty fine.

   Q: Once you resolve the spirit issue in Illcryst what are you going to do next?

        A: I think I might want to continue traveling. There's so much I haven't seen. There's a world with mysteries and wonders awaiting me!

Next up are some questions for Atticus!

   Q: If your father wasn't a legacy would you have still tried being chosen by the Gods?

        A: I would want to live a life full of purpose. Something like the Volunteer Project would be interesting being a part.

   Q: After you complete your task what will you do?

        A: I'm going to return home and report to the elders. Afterward, I'll spend some time with my family and acclimate back to living in the village. My home is ultimately in Spendule.

We even have a question for Wren, the mysterious thief that's with Vaughn!

   Q: You are SO cool! What's your background story? What do you like to do for fun?!

        A: My background is none of your business. In my leisure I like to challenge myself with picking locks to improve my timing, running across obstacles and above buildings, and perfecting my trailing. These skills can be used to better help me when I go out.

There you have it! Some of your questions have been answered! If you ever have a pending question feel free to drop a comment below or in other updates. If it's something that won't spoil the plot I may just have it in the next Q&A session!


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