The Game of Titans [Chapter Five Part Seven]

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Within the next hour we were already off; galloping away with the power of two strong horses. The back of the wagon was so fully packed that Atticus and I were stuck sitting shoulder-to-shoulder.


"Yeah?" I turned to him and leaned back so our faces weren't so close.

Atticus stared ahead towards the boxes before us and pursed his lips. "Something's wrong."

"What's going on?"

"The Gods haven't spoken to me. They've been silent."He pulled his legs towards himself and hugged his knees. "There must be something wrong with me."

"Atticus, I can assure you that there is NOTHING wrong with you!" I held my hand up and laughed.

"Vaughn, you're receiving visions." He turned to me. "Yes, they are scary, but they are leading you towards something." He looked down. "It's been silent on my end. There have been no burning bushes or visions at night. They must be mad at me."

I twisted my body and pulled my legs toward me so I could sit cross-legged. I hummed lightly as I tried to formulate a good response. "Do you remember playing Titans back in the village?"

"What does that-"

I stopped him before he could finish his statement. "Just answer Atticus."

"Yes, I have. It's quite boring until the very end." He huffed.

I smirked. "Do you understand why it gets good at the end?"

"Because everything happens at once and you can't tell who's going to win."

I laughed, "Yes, but the reason that all happens is because it takes time for the individual pieces to come together. Once everything is aligned THEN the action begins. Atticus, you were the easiest piece to move in this game of Titans. The Gods are moving everything in place so that you can achieve greatness. You need to be patient with them."

Atticus sighed, resting his head on his knees. "You're right Vaughn." He lifted his head and turned towards me. His cheek resting on his knee. "So that means for your situation you are at the end of the Titans game."

"Yeah," I said meekly. "It's all culminating."

We mostly traveled in silence for the rest of the day. Occasionally Alfred would chime in and tell us a little bit about the land that we were traveling through. In these parts there were mostly just small hills and lots of grassland. It has definitely grown significantly hotter in these parts. At this point there were only a few woods making it easier to see forwards towards the flat-line horizon. There were even some areas of grass that was just dusty sand. We would take a couple of breaks to give the horses some rest and by nightfall we were all ready to just have some rest.

It felt good to be on the move again. It really did feel like we were progressing towards Ilcryst. I wonder what Ilcrsyt looks like. From what Kahina told me it's another port town. I ruffled my hair and grumbled in the moonlight. I have no idea what Ilcryst is like, I have no plan and as father would always say: if you fail to plan then you plan to time the dream comes I'll need to see and identify something. A location, anything that can help me pinpoint where I need to go.

"Vaughn, you need to get some rest." Atticus yawned. "I'll retire myself soon as well."

"Okay," I yawned and stretched my legs one last time. Even though I didn't do much I was still fatigued from traveling. "Good night Atticus,"

"Good night Vaughn." I closed my eyes and rested.
Final post of Stranger Spirits Spring Break! -Ryan

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