Lady Hecate

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I waited impatiently in the Entrance Hall with a small bag slung over my shoulder. But I knew that this bag could fit a lot more then it seems it could.

Harry and Ron were talking in low tones, probably discussing about how they were going to die on this mission.

"Perseus must be extremely powerful and dangerous if someone would go to lengths to kidnap his family." Ron was saying. I rolled my eyes. We all knew that Perseus was powerful.

Just as I was about to suggest that we go look for Perseus ourselves, a small vortex of water suddenly opened up right beside me and out stepped Perseus Riddle. He ignored our surprised looks, turned his cold gaze on us and said "I think we should write a note informing Professor McGonagall where we are going."

"I'll do that." Harry pulled out his wand and whispered "Expecto Patronum!" Something silver flashed out his wand and disappeared from sight. I gave him an approving nod and turned back to Perseus. "So, Perseus, where are we headed first?"

Perseus clenched his teeth and said angrily "First of all, if we are to be working together, you will not call me Perseus. I hate being called that, call me Percy instead. Secondly, just don't get yourselves killed, I don't want to have explain about how you died. Lastly, don't do anything rash and impulsive or it could get us all killed."

I exchanged surprised looks with Ron and Harry. It seems like Perseus... sorry, Percy, actually cares about if we live or die.

"Alright, fine." I said. Percy visibly relaxed and turned to look out at the giant windows. The sun was coming up in the distance, casting rays of orange and pink across the sky. Finally, he turned to face us with a stoic expression.

"You all know what's happening, right?" Ron didn't look too sure, and Percy sighed loudly. "Fine, long story short, my mother and my grandfather has been kidnapped and taken to an unknown location that no one knows about."

"You're talking about your grandfather on your dad's side, right? Because that would be impossible if it was on your mother's side, Voldemort can't be alive." I said.

A small smirk appeared at the corners of Percy's mouth. He reached up and ran a hand through his messy raven black hair. "Well, no. Defiantly not my grandfather from my dad's side, because I killed him."

I gaped at him, along with Harry and Ron. Percy killed his own grandfather? "Why? Why did you do that?" Ron spluttered.

Percy lowered his hand and his face suddenly seemed shrouded in darkness. "I did it because he was going to kill everyone I loved. He was going to destroy the world. I had to stop him."

"Wait a fucking moment." Harry pointed his shaking wand at Percy, who eyed the stick with amusement. "So if it's not your grandfather from your dad's side.... VOLDEMORT IS ALIVE!?"

"Yeah. He's alive. I was living at his house for a few days before I came to Hogwarts." Percy pushed Harry's hand away and laughed at our horrified expressions. "When you all actually see him again, I swear he's changed from what you've remembered of him."

"VOLDEMORT CAN'T FUCKING CHANGE!" Harry yelled at Percy, who looked smug. "HE KILLED MY PARENTS, HIS FOLLOWERS KILLED SIRIUS, HE KILLED-HE KILLED-"Ron put a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder while glaring at Percy. "I can't believe it."

"Don't believe it. See for yourself then. If you don't want to come anymore, by all means walk yourself out of my sight." The tall, raven haired boy turned and strode towards the giant wooden doors that led out of Hogwarts.

Percy Jackson, The Heir of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now