18.I KNOW👨...

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(I normally give long updates, but this update and the upcoming ones would be shorter when compared to the previous ones and I guess you know the reason behind it too, time constraints but i didn't want you people to keep waiting, so updating a short part. I think I'd give something like this everyday. Everything is due to your love and nothing else. So enjoy💘.)


It was evening, shakti and shivaay were in the cafeteria at NISH.

"Dad what will have coffee or tea?"

"Anything with sugar beta"

"Not happening dad, mom would turn me into an ant"

"Then get me anything, anyway it's gonna taste the same"

Shivaay smiled back and went away to order some evening snacks for both of them. When shivaay was returning back with the tray of snacks, a man with a collection of file on his one hand talking over the phone with the other knocked him accidentally and all the contents on shivaay's tray fell on shivaay himself and the tray fell down with a thud on to the ground. All in the cafeteria turned towards the scene

"I'm so sorry" the man said panicked

"Hey that's completely ok man, be cool" shivaay smiled gently and helped him pick up the files. He then took the man's phone and handed it over to him saying "Be careful with the phones, it's an too expensive item"

"Thank you man" the man replied shivaay and went away.

Shivaay signalled shakti that he'd be back after cleaning and went away.


Shakti smiled looking at the scene. His son had changed completely in the past few months, he had taken a complete U turn but the change had been gradual. His son who once broke phones at jetspeed was now giving advice on protecting it, his son who fired workers when a file was placed there instead of here was now acting very gentle.

He was very proud of his shivaay. But what his son had gone through in the past, he could never forget or forgive the people who were responsible for it. He'd die but never return back to the oberoi mansion.

He had died a million deaths when he saw his son begging his bhabhi jhanvi,his blood boiled when shivaay was accused of cheating,he had been broken into a thousand pieces when he saw his son in the hospital bed,his soul had pierced him every time he saw his son alone after they had moved to kashmir. But by God's grace everything had been fine or in other words made fine mainly by his daughter annika.

He wanted to see his mom kalyani for once but not at the cost of going back to that hell of a mansion which broke his son. He wanted to avenge his tej bhaisa and Svetlana for all what they did, but his norms and values had taught him peace is important in life and forgiving is the key to peace. So he thought he'd try forgiving them but he couldn't do it after all that his son had been through so he simply thought to forget it.

Although he never had showed his affection openly to shivaay back at the mansion he loved him over his life, his shivaay had been born after a lot of waiting and prayers, that had made pinky so possessive of shivaay. He too loved his peace of happiness his shivaay very much, but the time to show his over protectiveness had dawned only due to that fateful day.

It had been too difficult for shakti to manage everything initially after coming to kashmir, it was because his strong son the great wall of shivaay as people called him looked crumbled. And with shivaay in that state how could've he managed the situation. But annika had helped him, motivated pinky and shakti that everything would be fine. She had literally held their hope from faltering, she had kept them together until her husband shivaay had been back.

And now everything looked fine from outside but it actually wasn't, and shakti very well knew it. He knew shivaay was not completely alright and would become alright only after he meets his brothers omru. Shivaay smiled outside but he had a pain deep inside, annika tried to support and strengthen everyone but she was broken from inside, pinky tried to be funny but she had fire inside her heart. So one or the other way everyone were pretending that everything was alright to make the other person happy. But shakti thought time was the best healer and Destiny would definitely show the way to take no matter what. So he remained quiet, nature would definitely give justice to the criminals tomorrow if not today and shakti was very sure of it.

But he was happy from another side, his family was so happy, his son had started following his passion-cooking, his annu puttar was going to be a mom soon, they'd have their little bundle of joy soon and that made shakti overwhelmed, the very thought of him becoming a grand father made his soul rise in pride but why it happened he didn't know. Now he had understood the value of family very much and craved spending time with them- back at the oberoi mansion he used to spend more time in religious activities and knew nothing about the happiness he was experiencing now and he was happy about it. But he had a very firm resolution he'd never let his son or daughter be harmed by anyone and for that he'd ensure that they'd never return to mumbai or oberoi mansion. He cared for om,gauri  rudra, prinku and dadi but didn't trust the devil there who happened to be his own brother Tej.

"Dad here's your sugar less coffee" shakti was brought back to the present by his son shivaay.

"No need to mention it, I anyway know it's sugar less" shakti replied back. 


Write back to me about how you found this chap. Hope I've replied to everyone. AM WAITING and haan do vote.

Thank you for the constant encouragement and sorry for the short update.

                  Yours loving phoenixwriter99(Tabitha).

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