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(Again a short update for you guys due to time constraints. I wrote it in the spare time please forgive and ignore if you found any errors  in it or found it too foolish or lethargic. DO COMMENT TO SAY WHAT U THINK ABOUT THIS CHAP.)


"Maaji come let's have breakfast" jhanvi said.

"What's the use of having breakfast when it's almost time for my death" dadi replied with a painful smile

"Dont say so maaji you've to live long, you've to see your great grand kids marriages too" 

"I don't know about great grand kids puttar, if I see my billu and annika before I die that'd be more than enough for me" dadi smiled

"You'll definitely see them maaji, come and have breakfast"

"Ill come in a while after completing the pooja, you leave puttar" dadi said.

"If you say so maaji"saying so  jhanvi left the pooja room where dadi had been doing pooja since morning.

Dadi smiled seeing a departing jhanvi's figure. It was true jhanvi was behind her grandson leaving the mansion, but the fact that her son tej and his keep svetlana were the masterminds behind it was a fact that never could be ignored. Jhanvi had repented, she had cried and dadi knew it was time to forgive her after all it was not only jhanvi's fault for having trusted her husband tej but also dadi's fault for not having corrected her son. Jhanvi was already going through hell as none of her children cared about her anymore or even acknowledged her presence. It was only her dadi that jhanvi had as someone.

Tej was dadi's first son, so dadi had loved him like nothing because it was he who had called him "maa" first. Dadi did not ever have the guts to punish her son tej for his mistakes from childhood, she always forgave him and let it go. But that was his childhood, later that habit had continued and now her son tej had turned into a monster. He no longer respected her or came back home. He had turned into a corrupt criminal and dadi could do nothing about it.

She had been praying God to sent her billu(shivaay) back and that'd solve half the problems. But God had become unkind to her requests,she felt like God no longer listened to her. May be because of her sin of not correcting her evil son when he was wrong. Because of her son a lot if lives and relationships had been ruined. But she kept on begging God with the hope that he might listen to her someday.

Dadi longed to see her son shakti who had accompanied her everywhere she went and never refused her demands, had always followed and kept her teachings. She wanted to see her funny but harmless bahu pinky, she longed to see Annika but all that seemed to her to be a dream for now. She sometimes cursed her destiny and asked God why it all had to happen to her particularly when ladies of her age were happily spending their last days with their grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Her grandson rudra had become mature over age while omkara seemed lost, he no longer talked to her or even smiled at her. Priyanka talked to her and loved dadi like always but never ever stepped into the mansion after that fateful day. She also understood everything was not well between Om and gauri, but she could do nothing about it, as neither of them spoke to her now. Gauri seemed detached from the family and dadi was broken to see her once religious,silent yet chirpy gauri bahu turned into one of those obnoxious ladies in town. In simple she was broken to see the state of her family and wanted to set things right.

Things could only turn right if shivaay returns back and dadi was eagerly waiting for that day. None could harm her until that day not even death because she knew Destiny would favour her one fine day. She was earnestly waiting for the day when things would turn right and better.

She then wiped away her rolling tears and went towards the dining room to have her breakfast, after all she had to be healthy and fit to welcome her billu and make things in her family alright and back to normal. She no longer cared about her elder son tej or what he had to say. He was a devil and dadi knew he'd be punished severely by God for his evil deeds. Her heart ached as a mother when she thought of tej's upcoming fall and destruction but her heart was overwhelmed thinking that a criminal would be punished for all the unimaginable evil deeds he had done. Dadi knew she too deserved punishment for failing as a mother and she was awaiting it. 

After all who could escape from the wrath of God and this was a fact that dadi very well knew. The poor old soul was waiting for the day the sun would finally shine again on her family, she knew the day that would happen was not too far away. After all she had the experience of a life time and none could cheat her on it, not even her wild son tej or his mistress svetlana.

In simple the poor old soul was awaiting the day when all the monsters would be destroyed and her family would be back to normal like in the past.


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          Yours loving phoenixwriter99(Tabitha).

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