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Annika was taken into the operation theatre she was shouting, crying in pain. Pinky couldn't bear the scene or see her in pain, she hugged shakti ji and the poor old couple was standing outside the theatre all tensed up with watery eyes. Shivaay had accompanied annika into the theatre to give her the needed strength and support.

Doc seema, the nurses were ready with their green coats,green caps and face masses, shivaay too had worn the same thing and was holding annika's hands. 

"Maa, I cant. Shiv!! Shiv!!!!! Shiv!!!" She cried

"Shh don't cry anni, the baby is gonna come soon, shh, just a little while, shh bear it my jaan" he said with a encouraging smile on his face.

Doc seema smiled looking at shivaay the man was really acting mature and not becoming a let down for annika. Shivaay had requetsed that he wanted to accompany annika into the theatre, but the doc had vehemently rejected it knowing his aggressiveness when coming to annika, but he had promised that he'd not do any foolishness and he had been right he was giving annika the needed strength and doctor seema was happy about it.

"What will we do once the baby comes here anni?" He asked caressing annikas head

"We'd play with the baby Aahh...," she breathed heavily and continued, "we'dddd go shoppi.... Aah" annika was sweating profusely

"It's nothing annika, just a little while more shhhh" shivaay silenced her.

"Annika push" doc seema commanded

Annika pushed as much as she could but she couldn't do it any longer. "Shivvvv!!!! Do something I cantttt" she cried out loud

"Annika just push a little more, you want to see our baby right, push a little for the baby" he encouraged her. Annika gave a weak smile on her sweat and tear filled face and pushed hard. She held shivaay's hand so tightly and pushed as much as she could, her first marks were embedded on shivaay's hands. She pushed as she could, her grip on shivaay's hand loosened and then she fainted.

"Anniiiiii..." shivaay shouted showing his vulnerability for the first time patting her face. "Doctor do something, my anni is not responding" he literally started crying.

"It's nothing shivaay she's just too tired" the nurses administered something to annika and she was back again. She looked at shivaay's face for assurance and he instantly smiled hiding the pain that he showed a few minutes ago, encouraging her "Anni just a little more and then we'd have our baby whom we were waiting for here soon, push a little for the baby's sake" he said with a weak smile holding annika's hands

"Shivaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy" she gave a final push holding his hand.

"Ingaaaaaaaaa" came a loud scry, shivaay and annika were shocked beyond imagination hearing that voice. Shivaay didn't know what to do, his mind was completely boggled. He turned towards annika and kissed her forehead uttering "our baby",Annika looked at that tiny life gave a weak smile to shivaay,nodded her head and fainted.

"Shivaay it's a girl" the doctor said wrapping the baby in a towel and handing her over to shivaay. Shivaay didn't know what to do, he was overwhelmed he took that little life in his hands. She was too small and her tiny body was covered with dried blood marks, he kissed that little life everywhere uttering "our baby" with tears in his eyes. She was asleep, she just closed her eyes when shivaay held her, he couldn't see her eyes but tears were rolling down his eyes seeing that little life in his hands and he didn't know why.

At that moment he fell in love profusely with that child, he had thought always that annika would be the first and last girl he'd fall in love with. But he was proved wrong all along he fell in love with that little nose, that peanut like tiny ears, those curled tiny hands, that curled little legs,that pouted cute mouth, her tiny hair scraps, he fell in love with everything. He thought she was too cute, he didn't know what to do, he brought that tiny life near his face and hugged her with his face. He could see his baby exactly looked like annika, she had the same features like her mother, but even in that partly blood dried body he could see her complexion was exactly like his. He just wanted to sit somewhere and drown in the cuteness of his little angel.

"Shivaay give her to the nurse and go out, we have to clean the baby and do the stitches to annika" she commanded strictly forwarding her hand asking for the baby.

"But doctor" shivaay was hesitant to give the baby or leave the theatre.  But doc seemas one look was enough and he had to obey her. He kissed his tiny angel and handed her over to the nurse saying "Be careful, she'd get hurt" the nurse smiled and took her away, "be careful she might get scared" he shouted again, the nurse gave an assuring smile and went away.

Shivaay then went to annika kissed her again and went out of the theatre to change his clothes.


This is only a part my dear friends there's more to it but as I'm leaving home now and wouldn't be back until night I'm updating it. I didn't like to keep all the requests waiting until tomorrow as I felt very bad of not supplying back your love.



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