Chapter 10

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A/N: im listening to good girls are bad girls by 5SOS doesn't mean it necessarily applies to this chapter :p but yeah just thought I would put that in so yeah. Oh yeah great news I had this chapter finished but my dumb phone decided to die before I could save it. so yeah now I'm re writing fml.

Sleepover part 3

Desarees P.O.V

Well if this isn't awkward I don't know what is. Everyone was supposed to have fun.And trust me everyone WAS having fun especially Destinee and Luke over there ;). But nope everything has to get all awkward. I seriously wasn't expecting tongues down my throat all night. I don't know why Zayn was throwing him self in me. Was he trying to make harry jealous or something. No scratch that Harry could get anyone why would he be jealous over me.

I know Harry's mad at me. I wish he wasn't.We haven't even had the 'talk'.

By now I can feel hot tears rolling down my face. I need to clear my head.Take a walk or something.

I wipe my tears before anyone can notice. I slip on my shoes and grab my phone.

"Hey um I'm going to take a walk." I say trying to sound normal but fail.

"Are you okay des?" destinee asks me.

"Yeah." I squeak well fuck.

"O-okay well be safe."

"Yeah whatever bye." Harry decides to speak up.

"Ok-k I'll be back I guess." I say and head towards the door right after I hear him cough slut.

Wow. my- Harry just called me a slut.

As soon as the cold air hits my bare arms and legs I silently curse my self for leaving the house in only spandex and a tank top.

Oh well.

'Rumble boom'

(A/N lolol thunder noise? )

Well isn't this just fucking perfect.

It starts sprinkling I guess that isn't to bad. it's still cold as fuck.

I start walking and thinking not really caring what direction I'm going. (A/N lol oops?)

Why didn't I just say no?Tonight could have been perfect. And the whole Calum thing well that's another story for a different time. I glance at my my phone to see that I have been waking for about 2 hours. I look up and I have no clue where I am.

And now it's pouring.

I decide to ring Destinee.My phone us almost dead I hope she picks up.

It doesn't even ring so that means it's most likely dead.Great.

Um Luke no he's with Destinee. Michael no he's obsessed with zombies.Ashton sure.

10% battery left my phone warns me.




Fuck pick up your phone.


"HELLLO-." Ashton finally picks up his phone

"Ashton my phone is almost dead I need to to pick me up I'm on xxxxxx xxxxx xx (A/N pretty rad place 😂) can you pick me up pllllleeeeeeeasssssse?" I say quickly.

"My god desaree do you know how far that is?" His voice booms through the phone.

"Uhh no?"

"Fuck desaree that's the worst part of town to I'm coming to get you keep the rest of your battery saved." he says and sighs

"Thank you do much ash I love you I have no clue what id do without you." I say fast

"Yeah yeah I'll be there be careful I love you to." he says and hangs up.

Ashton's P.O.V

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. dude how did she get all the way over their I saw she had puffy eyes but I didn't think much of it.

"Hey guys I need to go pick up desaree she's at xxxxxx xxxxx xxx (A/N lolol.) " I say and everyone's eyes nearly pop out of their heads

"I SWEAR THIS BETTER NOT BE A JOKE." Harry's voice booms

"Yeah no it's not." I say

"I'm coming." everyone says

"OK WELL LETS GO." I say in frustration.

Harry's P.O.V




Seriously how did she get there. And the clothes that she was wearing.What was she thinking? And I was a dick to her.

You know what she probably has her tongue down some thugs throat.Just because I'm coming to get her doesn't fucking mean we're cool.

Desarees P.O.V

I find a park and sit down at the bench and hide myself.

-45 minutes later-

I decide to get up and see if they're near by because I was hidden and maybe they didn't see me.

I'm seriously going to freeze to death.

I start walking and pass an alley. Yeah no way in hell would I go down there so I quickly walk away.

"YO." I hear some one yell behind me but I don't turn around I just keep walking.

"Get er' boys." the same voice says and I hear loud footsteps behind me and I start sprinting for my life.

"Gotcha." a male says while grabbing my waist and pulling me back.

"Dude what the fuck let me go." I yell while trying to get out of his grip.

"Hmm I wouldn't say that to the guy that has a guy up to your head show some respect." he says and I hear the gun click and I stop thrashing in his hold.

Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Im screwed.

"Now let's go." a different voice says and I turn to see 3 other males. Eww they're so ugly.

Now I'm being pushed towards the alley to I guess their little boss guy.

"Aww she's a beauty." the leader dude says.

"Watch out she's feisty." the one that held a gun to my head says and I feel a hot tear roll down my cheek.

"Even better."

"The truck will be here in a second." one guy says.

"Ok good." the boss whatever the fuck you want to call him.

Oh wow a creepy ass truck pulls up.I'm not going down without a fight.

They start pushing me to the truck and I start screaming.



"HARRY HELP." wait did I just say Harry.

" No one can help you love." one guy says.

"I can." is the last thing I hear before getting hitting hit hard in the head and all I see is black.

A/N: lol plot twist enjoy I know it's short but I'll probably do a double update to make up for it.


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