Chapter 14

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Desaree's P.O.V

Last night was amazing.It was my first time.And it was with Harry.

I look over and see Harry peacefully sleeping.

"I can feel you staring." he mumbles.

"I just woke up don't flatter yourself." I say

He smirks.

"I don't you did that for me last night." he says

"You win this time styles." I mumble and try to stand up but fail.

"Hmm someone seems to need my help." I can practically hear the smirk in his voice and I turn and shoot him daggers.

"I'm just really sore." I mumble.

"Then my mission is accomplished."

"Can you put your ego on pause and help me." I snap

"You when this time turner." he says and I smirk.

He helps me up to take a shower.

15 minutes later.

I feel a little less sore the warm water helped a lot.

I throw on some black high waisted shorts with a little fringe.My shirt is a simple white crop top with my black leather jacket and black vans. I quickly do my makeup and head downstairs.

I smell bacon.Please please please Harry make pancakes I practically pray.

"FOOD!" I hear behind me and I turn to see Niall.

"Woah there nialler." I say.

See before I had 'lost my memory' I called him Nialler.

Almost immediately he stops and turns around.

"wait- you called me nialler?"

"Indeed I did." I say with a bug grin.

"EVERYBODY DESAREE IS BACK!" He yells a and everybody comes running and hugging me.

"Can't.Breath." I said while gasping for breath.

Everyone mumbles a quick sorry.

"I'm hungry move." I say and walk into the kitchen and I see PANCAKES.

"Here you go love." Harry smirks at me while handing me a plate with HIS chocolate chip pancakes,bacon,eggs,a biscuit and gravy.

"Thank yooooooooou." I say and give him a huge kiss in the cheek.

Everyone finishs eating and my phone starts ringing 'dum dee dum by Keys N Krates'

D-Desaree K-Kaylee




K- What's up I haven't talked to you in ages.

Should I tell her everything? Nah.

D-The usual hey can you come over I have some people I want you to meet.

K- k I'll be there in 30

And with that we said out goodbyes and hung up.

"Yo Zayn." I said


"I got someone you might be interested in." I said and his eyes widen

"If all your friends are as good looking as you then yes!"

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