Chapter 13

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A/N: So I'm changing the cover again.. But this will most likely be the last time but here's another chapter.

David's P.O.V (yay or nay?)

A couple days has passed. Desaree was released a from the hospital a day after she woke up.She still doesn't quite remember Harry and his mates.Its actually really sad seeing him try so hard.I know deep down that she'll remember.

I'm beyond pissed off that know one was notified that our father was released from the hospital. Did mum know?

No she would've told us right?

Anyways she and her new husband decided to travel so more.They say " We needed a break.".Whatever they didn't even care about what happened to Desaree they just put more money in her account. Mum doesn't know I'm here and I would like to keep it way.

Everyone has been staying at Desaree's house since there's more than enough space for is all.

Destinee and Luke are together.

Michael,Ashton,And Calum have been sharing a room with two beds and a floor.

Desaree and Harry share her room.

Zayn,Niall,Liam and Louis sleep everywhere.

Half the time they just climb up to Desaree's room and they all cuddle in her bed.Harry always gets pissed off but try's not to show it.

I have been sleeping in a guest room on my Mums side of the house. Damn I remember when this house was pretty much a shack they had so much work done on it and honestly there's only one reason why they didn't move. It's because Desaree thought Harry would come back. And well obviously he did but she went through a lot. I had been communicating with Harry since he left.She didn't know that and I felt horrible.

Anyways everyone is heading to bed and so am I.

Desaree's P.O.V

"Goodnight guys." I say to everyone because they have been staying at my house. It's kinda weird waking up to five strangers in your bed. But I'm warming up to them.

A round of good nights was heard while I was making my way up stairs and Harry trailing behind me.

"Can I take a shower?"Harry asks me when we get in my room.

"Yeah sure." I say with a small smile.

"Ok thanks I'll be quick."

"No it's ok take your time I'm just heading to bed." I say and he nods while walking into the bathroom in my room.

He leaves the door cracked open. I decide to change into my pjs. I'm just wearing a big t-shirt I found in the floor because I'm to tiered to walk to my closet.

"Hey- woah." I hear behind me and I turn around to see Harry looking at me.

"Uhh is there something wrong?"

"Oh uh no you just look hot in my clothes." he says and I feel my cheeks heat up in embarassment.

"Oh I didn't know it was yours I'll I'm change." I squeak

"NO- I mean n-no you don't have to change." Aww he's blushing

I nod and say ok.

"I just needed to know where the towels are."

"Under the sink."

He nods and goes back into the bathroom.

I get under my covers and decide to go on my phone. I haven't checked it since I was released.

Forgotten h.s Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora