Chapter 11

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So imma try to make this one better 😎

Daniel masons P.O.V ( desarees biological dad)


She looks familar.

my daughter.

That bit-

"I can." a voice says behind me and I turn to see 9 boys and a girl.

Wait I know the curly headed one and the girl.

"Daniel." Harry I think and daisy? No Destinee yeah that sounds right spits.

"Boys let her go." I say because no way in hell am I going to hurt her today...

"Uggh boss she uhh she wouldn't be quiet so I hit her with my gun and she's out cold."

"YOU WHAT?" Harry's voice booms.

"Take her to a hospital or whatever but you speak of this and your dead got?." I say to all of them.

"Whatever now move." Harry says and picks up desaree. And with that they were gone.

Harry's P.O.V

Wow didn't expect to see that son of a bitch.

Him and my dad are pretty close considering they're both worthless pieces of shit.

I know there's a hospital close by considering we both grew up in one.

"Guys the hospital should be up here." I say while running.

Destinees P.O.V

Him. The man that made my best friends childhood horrible.He's the reason she didn't get a normal childhood.He's responsible for all the scars mental and physical left with Desaree.

"Ok we are here." I say out of breath from sprinting to the emergency room.

"If the police ask just say she was attacked and we didn't see any faces got it?" I say and get a round of yes' from the boys.

"Babe she'll be ok." Luke says while bringing me into a hug.

Desaree is currently being checked out and nobody is aloud back there. Harry's pacing around and I can tell he is livid. I haven't seen him this angry since before he left.

"I'm going to talk to Harry and try to calm him down ok?" I say into Luke's chest.

"You sure?" he says

"Yeah." I say with a small smile.

I walk over to Harry and he didn't even notice me.

"Harry?" I say in a soft voice and his head snaps to my direction and I see his bloodshot eyes.

"What." he snaps.

Wow ok.

"She'll be ok, she's strong and it wasn't anything major." I say knowing damn well she could go into a coma or have brain damage or knows.

"You don't know that." he spits

"You know what Harry we all care about her to.We have been here when you weren't. I was there when she had constant nightmares. I was there when she almost committed suicide because you weren't there.YOU WERENT FUCKING THERE!She went through so much shit you have know clue how many nights I stayed up with a broken Desaree. YOU JUST LEFT HER.Have you seen her wrist?No you obviously haven't.So excuse me but you have no right to be a dick to me because if it weren't for me she wouldn't be alive." After my long speech my voice cracks at the end.

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