Chapter 28

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It's been a little over a month since the note and since Harry came to my house drunk off his ass.

My parents are home but always at work surprise surprise.Me and Destinee found a flat and we will start moving within the next week or two.The cleaners are fixing it up and they are doing a bit of renovation to it.Even though my parents said we can both stay.

We both got jobs at a little coffee shop so we can be able to pay our bills because I'm sure as he'll not asking my parents for anymore money.That will only lead into a conversation along the lines of "why don't you just move back in?" or "you won't be able to survive on your own." and

I rather avoid that all together.

Oh and Luke and Harry are moving in with us.Its a goo thing we got a pretty big flat.

There is four bedrooms so we have a guest room,office and two bedrooms.Obviously me and Harry are sharing a bedroom while Destinee and Luke share one to.There is a 3 bathrooms now that we are getting it renovated so Me and Harry have our own and they have theirs.Then down the hall there is another bathroom for guests.Even though we all know damn well we won't have any guests besides the rest of the boys.

The kitchen is a decent size we have a island in the middle and thank The Lord me and Harry know how to cool so we can feed ourselves and thing one and thing two.

Right now me and Harry are packing my room up.Hes been staying here to because he doesn't want to stay with his mum and Gemma is in college so it would just be the two of them.


Harry wasn't having that mainly because she has a new boyfriend and he said something along the lines of "I'm not listening to my mom fuck her boyfriend. But he added some other insults and such I rather not remember.

"Desaree."He sings from behind me.

"Yes?"I drag out the word as the song on my iPod changes to Do I wanna know by Arctic monkeys.

I walk over to my ihome and turn the volume up and him along.

I run around to see Harry dump my underwear draw on his head while he's sitting crisscross end on the floor.

"Harry!"I shriek while he has a huge goofy grin on his face.

"I like these ones."He grabs a pair of plain black lace boy shorts style.

I feel the hey rush to my face and he smirks.

"And these and these and these and these..."He trails off while graving a bunch and acts like its snow and he's making....panty angels?

"Stoooooooop."I drag the word out and he gets up and walks over to me.

"AW is someone embarrassed?"He whispers into my ear making me

Shiver and I cross my arms.

"No."I mumble.

"I think you are.No need to be all shy around me love I think you know this already."He plants little kisses from

My jaw to my neck and then softly bits my earlobe.

"I love you.You know that right and I will never leave you."He mumbles and gives my sides a squeeze.

"Yes and I love you but we have to get this finished we need to get the rest off my stuff packed for next week or should I say I'm two days.The week is almost up babe."

"Babe."He whispers to himself.

"Babe I like it."He looks up with a smirk on his face.

"Ok BABE finish."

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