Chapter 31

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The fray is my life yo.

Never say never (don't let me go)-The Fray

Is what I listened to (on repeat) while writing (or typing) this chapter.

Desaree's P.O.V

It's been 8 months.

8 horrible months.

It started off as sadness.Well I still am but I was just starving myself never did anything not that I do now but it was worse.

Then I got angry.

Angry at everything.

Like how dare he leave me.He promised.

He fucking promised.

Now it's both of those plus guilt.

And trust me when I say this is the worst stage and it's not leaving any time soon.

I wake up everyday thinking it is just a nightmare and that I'll wake up soon,that Harry will be beside me when I wake up.

But that's not the case.Harry is gone forever.No matter how much I scream and cry he will never be back.

It's all my fault you know.If I had never opened up to that curly headed boy then I wouldn't feel this way.

He would be alive and happy.

He would be with a girl that's not as fucked up as I am.

He would be alive.

So here I am in New York sitting alone in my flat staring at a picture of Harry and I.

That was at my doorstep this morning.

I never step foot out of this place.I even have someone who goes out to but my groceries and such.

The past few months I have been receiving pictures and letters.

The letters usually say something along the lines of "Soon x." or "I'm coming x.".

Call me crazy but it looks like Harry's hand writing.

But I know it's not because he's dead.

Maybe someone is coming to kill me.


I should have died that night not Harry.

The pictures are old pictures of me and Harry that Harry HA kept for his journal that he never let me read.

So if someone's playing some sick joke on me please stop.

You know the most fucked up part of all of this?

No one and I mean NO ONE would let me go to Harry's funeral.

I know it's my fault but damn I love that boy more than I love breathing.

Something that he can no longer do..

That night that he died no one helped him.They wouldn't help Harry.

They gave me some chemical and made me pass out.

I woke up covered in blood and confused.

I screamed and cried for Harry to come help me.

But instead a tired looking Zayn broke the news to tell me.

That's the day I stopped talking.

I haven't used my voice in 8 months other that to scream or cry.

I'm let alone with just my thoughts.

I don't even own a Telly.

I sit in complete silence besides the honks and yelling out side my window.

I'm completely alone.

Apparently Daniel is in Prision.Supposably has the death penalty.

Kaylee told Daniel everything about our plans and where I live and so on.

She tried committing suicide after finding out why he wanted all that information.

She found out that he killed Harry and that he was going to take her into his business as one of the girls for money.

She was told that I was just so pissed off at the world that I was going to murder him for no reason.

Well she was obviously wrong.

Now she's in some mental hospital.

The boys all have girl friends.

They constantly text me because they know I woke actually talk if they call.

Even Michael,Calum and Ashton are tied down after they swore up and down that no one can 'cuff' them.

Luke proposed to Destinee and they are getting married here in New York and want me to come to the wedding.

It's my best friend so I can't say no.But like I said I haven't stepped foot out of this flat since I moved here so how the hell am I going to be around all these people that remind me of Harry?


*insert smirking emoji or whatever* to Destinee.

I feel like I'm the only person that hasn't talked about steal my girl or fire proof.

But I literally screamed when steal my girl was leaked.

And fireproof is just wowowowowowoowowow.


Wwa ended and now everyone is depressing me on twitter and Instagram and I'm just sad.

Soooo I was going to wait until fall break to update but I decided against it obviously so enjoy.

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