Chapter 33

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Picture of Desaree yo.

Desaree's P.O.V

It isn't real.It isn't real.

I kept saying to myself.I took a deep breath and closed my eyes letting a single tear slip.

It isn't real.It isn't real.

I open my eyes and he's gone.

Just like I thought.Don't get me wrong I wish it was real.

But he's dead.And I need to get through my thick skull.

A tap on my shoulder frees me from my thoughts.

I look wearily to my right and regret it.


"Say something."His deep raspy voice gives me hope.

And for the first time in 8 months I spoke.

"Your- Your not real."My voice is quiet and raspy.

"Yes I am look at me I'm alive."He grabs my chin softly to look at him.

"T-this is j-just my m-mind playing t-tricks on m-me."My stuttering hits me hard.

I grab my phone and send a group text to all the boys and Destinee.

"Is it really him?"

As soon as I send it my phone buzzes nine times.

I take a deep breath before opening the group chat back up.


"Be with him"

"Talk to him"

"Have sex"-Michael

"Well yeah"

I stopped reading the messages and ran out of there.

Harry is quick on my trail so he grabs my wrist to turn me around and I hiss.

He gets the message right away and he gently turns over my wrists and kisses each one of them.

He finishes and looks me in the eye.

"Why?"was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

"Why?I thought you were fucking dead what do you mean why I've been fucking miserable for the past eight months!"I yell.

A single year rolls down his face and I cup his cheek while wiping it away with the pad of my thumb.

"Let me explain everything."He says softly and I just nod.

We walk around and I decide to speak first.

"Uh this is my first time and right months that I've left my flat."

He looks at me guilt in his eyes and I peck his jaw softly and slowly.My lips longer for a moment before I pull away.

Harry's eyes are closed and goosebumps are clearly showing.

"Were you the one leaving all of the pictures and stuff."I ask and he nods.

"Why did it take you so long to come back to me?"I ask and he just sighs.

"I couldn't leave the UK and technically I did die just saying.After I uh got shot and they took you away-he pauses letting a few tears slip and clears his throat-Daniel and his crew just left me there I think it was a good two hours I was laying their bleeding out before someone heard me yell your name for the last time before I past out.The whole time I thought about you and how I promised to stay and never leave.But I broke that promise.When I passed out I knew it was me dying.I was so close.But they brought me back only for me to be out into a coma.All I heard for 4 months straight was you.The way you screamed out for me and I couldn't do shit it was fucking horrible I so fucking sorry Desaree I'm so fucking sorry!"He stops and I can tell he's getting angry.

I wrap my frail arms around his and just cry.I hold onto him like he's going to disappear.


Only a few more chapters!

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