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"Bad Day."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

It's Sunday now, and I haven't shown (P/G) my keytar yet, mainly because I don't know how to explain to them how I got it. Right now, I'm walking back from the hardware store with supplies to fix the fence, it's doing a number on my arms and back, but I guess the pain just means that I'm getting stronger?

I wasn't looking where I was going, so I slipped on something oily, and looking down, it was literally oil. I couldn't stand back up, and actually ended up dropping all of my materials in the process, to which they had begun to slide down the steep hill. I began sliding after them, the rough pavement, and hot oil irritating my skin.

"No no no NO NO NO NO!" I shouted as I picked up speed, hurdling towards a steel blue car that was parked on the side of the road. The heals of my shoes dug into the cement, essentially ripping themselves to shreds, but before my bare feet them self's could scrape against the pavement.


My forehead smacked right into back of the car, causing a small dent to appear on the trunk, and possibly my head. Looking around; I noticed that my supplies weren't anywhere around the car, or me. I thought for a moment, before deciding to take a look underneath the car, my blackened hands holding me up from the hot road.

Low and behold, my materials were under the car, so much so that I couldn't possibly reach from any angle at all, not only that, but they were somehow damaged badly, and covered in oil. I sighed, and stood up, using the car as a form of support so I wouldn't slip. Taking in more of my surroundings, it turns out that I'm actually really far from my home, 'I suppose I'll take the bus.' I thought to myself, dragging my feet to the nearest bus stop that I could find.

Waiting for the bus wasn't too bad, but I was really embarrassed at the fact that I was covered in oil, and that anybody could walk by and make fun of me. I looked down at my feet as the bus pulled up, and when I did look up, it's as if some of my fears were washed away. 'Alison! I never thought I'd be happy to see her for once! Last time I saw her, she threw her tabby at me..'  I thought to myself, walking down the isle to take a seat, I just chose the first empty seat that I saw, and sat down on the moderately warm leather.

I heard whispering a few seats behind me, at first I thought it was about the weird person, covered in oil, but I could actually hear what they were saying, so I was eased, if only for a moment, and just by the voices, guess who was whispering. Gumball and Darwin.

"It's really sad that our nemesis rides the bus." Gumball whispered, to which the person in front of me loudly announced his presence.

"I can hear you!" He said. "Yeah, well I hoped you'd be nutty enough to ride around on a bike made out of human bones, but here you are taking the bus! Not even as scary as that weird cat lady! No offense." Gumball said the last part in a normal speaking voice, gesturing to Alison, who was petting her black cat with care.

"Don't listen to them, Martin, I know you're a real boy." The cat then began to meow angrily, and scratch at her face. I was more focused on the yelling, which added to my irritation. I just took a deep breath, and tried to calm down, but all that did was make me even more angry, just well oxygenated.

"Maybe he would be more evil if he had an ominous theme tune." Darwin said to Gumball, probably triggering an idea of some sort. "Dude, what's your name?" Gumball called out to the guy in front of me, something tells me this won't end well, and a migraine was already preparing for it. "Rob." The person in front of me mumbled, yeah I know it's my friend, but I can't be bothered to be social today. Suddenly, both Gumball and Darwin began to sing a theme tune based on what they thought his name was. "Bob bob." 'Oh no.' "Bob Bob." 'No please.' As they continue, I could both feel, and hear them getting closer.

"Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob BADDA BOB!" 'Snap'

"It's Rob!"

Both me and Rob had shouted at the same time, so it's hard to tell who these guys'll listen to. Unfortunately, it wasn't me, and they continued. "Rob Rob Rob Rob" I turned my focus to Alison, who wasn't too keen on the theme tune they chose, making her belt out an opera with Martin, and soon Marvin had begun to imitate a theremin, and then... Sussie joined in. She started out with small noises and then one single loud bass beat, practically shaking the bus. All of these noises at once became too much for me to handle, I couldn't shout again, because nobody would hear me. So I stood up on my seat, and grabbed the rope, pulling on it to notify the bus driver that I was ready to get off early. As soon as the bus stopped, I power walked back up the isle, and jumped down the three steps. Looking up to see that I had been dropped off at the supermarket, but the misery doesn't end, as Rob had gotten off of the bus as well, while tweedle dumb, and tweedle dee, followed after him, calling his name.

"Rob! Dude, Rob! Rob, come back! Rob!" I covered my ears, and grabbed a shopping cart, making my way towards the hardware section. I uncovered my ears when I got to the isle, as the sound was more quiet. I sighed, picking up some pine wood planks, another can of (F/C) paint, nails, wood glue, ear plugs, and a frozen pizza. I went up to the counter, and paid for all of my supplies, thanking Larry, and walking out with a plastic bag full of my materials slung over my shoulder. "Hey, (Y/N)!" Rob said, power walking to catch up with me, a paper bag full of food in his arms. There's no point in trying to avoid socializing, so I just slowed down to a leisurely pace. Gumball and Darwin were about a foot behind us, spewing out nonsense names, all beginning with 'Dr.' "Hi rob." I sighed, keeping my eyes forward. "Are you okay? You seem to be-.", "upset, and covered in oil? I know. And no, I'm far from okay." I interrupted Rob, adjusting the uncomfortable plastic bag on my shoulder. There was a pause, with Gumball's and Darwin's words being filler noise, the bad kind of filler noise. All of a sudden the piercing noise of static cut through my eardrums, and I shut my eyes tightly, like I had a horrible brain freeze. "Excuse me for a moment." Rob said, before quickly turning around, and just full on screaming, throwing his groceries down onto the pavement, and stomping on them.

I turned around just in time to see Gumball, inhaling air like it was his last breath, causing Rob to stop his rampage, and calm down. "..are you okay?" He asked, a concerned look on his face. "Just having a eureka moment. What about-." All of a sudden the sky around Gumball, and ONLY GUMBALL, turned dark, with lightning and thunder. "Dr. Wrecker!" He shouted in a mock evil voice, the vocal tones echoing through the air. I stayed silent, which just means that I have began shut down mode, and if anything breaks it, then I will full on self destruct. "I-! I like it." Rob said, a more malicious look donning his features, his hand balling up into a fist. "Dr. Wrecker!" He shouted out to the sky, his voice high pitched, and squeaky. 'Cute.' I thought to myself, but my body had other things to do than think about The cute things in the moment.

"...I'm going home." I said, doing a one eighty, and walking in the direction of paradise, I didn't see the slightly hurt look on Robs face, but I most definitely felt it.

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