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(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I had to hold (P/G) back from Rob, because they misunderstood the situation, which made me realize that context is everything. After a while, Rob had left, and (P/G) had pulled me into the kitchen to talk.

"What's this about?" I asked, worried that I had done something wrong.

"Did you confess?" They asked me, making my eyes widen. I didn't say anything, and stood there in silence, avoiding eye contact. "K...kinda?", "what do you mean 'kinda.'?" They asked me, narrowing their eyes. I blushed a bit and looked down at my feet, thinking back on today. "Well... I was vague." I stated, shrugging my shoulders. (P/G) just sighed, and shook their head, walking away as they spoke. "You gotta confess at some point." They said, leaving through the front door for work, and leaving me to my thoughts once again. As soon as the sound of the cars engine started, I sighed, and went upstairs to my room to rethink this all again.

I flopped down on my bed, and closed my eyes, not trying to sleep, but trying to think. "Okay... it's back to planning." I mumbled, knowing full well I'd chicken out again.
'Maybe I could get him a gift, with a note con- no, no that's stupid.'
'Go out to lunch? Maybe confess then? That's cheesy, pun intended.'
Every idea that came up in my mind was immediately shot down, as insecurity took over, and I hummed in frustration. 'None of these are good enough! But maybe it's just me...' my eyes snapped open in realization, as I sat up quickly, and looked down at my hands. 'What if... what if it really IS me? I'm the only one getting in the way of at least trying, so how do I fix that..?' When my thought finished, a rush of confidence coursed through me, and a determined look made its way on my face. I stood up and went over to my dresser, pulling out my best outfit as words of encouragement echoed in my head. I grabbed my tote bag, and opened the front door, a smile plastered on my face as I closed it behind me. 'Today's the day, no turning back! I'm gonna do it... I'm actually going to confess!' My smile only got brighter as I jumped off of the small steps of my porch.

I landed, and my ankle buckled, which hurt like being hit with a table. Time froze as soon as my ankle gave in, and I stood there, my smile slowly faltering. 'No I'm not.' My mind contradicted flatly, opening the gates for words of discouragement. I didn't want to have these thoughts, they just showed up! I don't even ironically like them. I quickly recovered and walked back inside, closing the door behind me again. After kicking my shoes off, and dropping my tote bag, my mood did a complete one-eighty. The thoughts continued relentlessly, and I got angrier about it by the second, why do these thoughts have to bother me? Can't I just be happy?! I growled, storming upstairs and slamming my bedroom door shut, as I crashed onto the bed again. "I will count to 3, and I'll be a happy person again." I said, the words echoing and fading, as the bad thoughts got louder.



"I'm still upset!" I screeched like a demon, grabbing my pillow and burying my face in it. I took a few deep breaths, and the thoughts had quieted down, making me calm again. "Why am I so emotional today?" I asked myself quietly, curling up into a blanket burrito. 'Maybe it's because I'm not experienced with love... or crushes, or-whatever! I'm new to it.' I concluded in my head, yawning as I turned over on my side, staring out the window as the sky got cloudy. Usually that'd be bad, but I like the sound of rain, it was nice.

Rob's p.o.v

'I knew it, I KNEW it! There was absolutely NO way they could feel the same way!' I was pacing back and fourth, trying to calm down. A part of me was sad? But then the other was mad, and a little bit of me was happy? I don't get it, what is with this!? I groaned in frustration, and sat down on my couch.

"This is ridiculous..." I mumbled to myself, resting my face in my hands. "It seems so easy for everyone else, and yet I can't even muster any courage." I continued, wondering who it could be that (Y/N) likes. They had a multitude of friends, and they never really said wether they like boys or girls. I guess I'd have to narrow it down to whoever they hang out with, other than me. Tobias makes them uncomfortable, Rachael is more of a sister figure, I'm pretty sure Tina intimidates them...

I continued to list off different people, but as the list got smaller, I got confused. Who could they possibly like, it can't be me. A thought came to my mind, and I scowled at the possibility. (Y/N) and Gumball do hang around each other a lot more than the others I listed off, and they've hung around me a lot less before today, It's possible that they could've been with Gumball instead... Just another reason to destroy him.

"Aye yo, I thought I'd just give a shoutout to a couple of awesome people, kk? Kk.


They had offered to draw the cover of this story for me, I accepted it at first, but my friend in school wanted me to draw it myself, which I complied. I haven't seen their art, but I'm sure that they're great.


She is a friend of mine, she's RELLY good at art, and writing. She's been putting herself down lately, and that just ain't fair, you don't have to, but please show 'er some appreciation."

Rob x Reader {Null & Void}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora