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"Skipping School."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

Eventually Rob and I had decided to leave the school, since I planned on skipping my classes, and he wasn't feeling up to going to HIS classes, at this point I'm not sure if he even has any classes.

"So, where are we going?" Rob asked, as we passed by the local park, seeing parents playing with their kids.

"Uh, how about my house?" I asked, seeing as how we were extremely close to my house, besides, I needed to email the school an excuse as to why I'm not there. "Oh! Uh okay." Rob said, following me to my house, which only took about 30 seconds. As soon as I opened the door, I huffed and took off my tote bag, the feeling of pressure being released on my shoulder relaxing me. "Hang on, I'll be right back." I said, running upstairs, grabbing my laptop and charger, and running back down to hook it up. "Okay I'm back." I said, sitting down on the couch.

"Aren't your parents gonna be a bit mad about you not being in school?" Rob asked, sitting down next to me. "Well, (P/G) is out at work, and I have an excuse, so they'll never know I ditched in the first place." I said, copying an excuse from my digital notepad, and pasting it into the message, along with a fake doctors note. "You just have that on hand?" Rob asked, leaning over to look at my screen. "A simple sickness works every time, and if I want a vacation, I'll just hit them with the flu excuse." I said, sending the message to the school, and closing the tab afterwards.

I began messing with the settings on my computer, changing the pictures and colours of the screensaver. Occasionally I would catch Rob eyeing my tote bag out of the corner of me eye. 'He didn't see the keytar, did he? I know how to tell (P/G) with the tech ed excuse, but Rob knows that I don't have Tech Ed, so I need a new excuse.' I thought to myself, closing the laptop and setting it on the coffee table. "I'm gonna go get a soda real quick, do you want one?" I asked Rob, standing up from the couch to go into the kitchen. "Uh, yeah, thanks." He responded.

I opened up the fridge, and pulled back a secret compartment to reveal tons of soda cans. 'And (P/G) doesn't have a clue.' I thought, smirking. (P/G) thinks I have an addiction to caffeine and sugar, but can you blame them? I mean, give me a two liter and it'll be gone in under two hours. After I grabbed, the two soda cans, I walked back out from the kitchen, and nearly dropped them. Rob was sitting on the couch, with my Keytar in his lap, curiously looking it over. I smiled nervously, and gave out an awkward laugh. "Oh! Haha! You uh.. you saw my Uh... my grandpas Keytar!" I said nervously, setting Robs drink down on the coffee table, while still holding onto mine, I cracked it open to hear the satisfying sound of the crack and hiss.

"Yeah sorry, I shouldn't have looked through your things, it just kinda.. caught my interest." Rob said awkwardly, handing me back the Keytar. I strapped the Colourful electronic around me, and shrugged, pretending that I didn't care. 'Though it was an invasion of privacy.' One half of my brain thought, but I ignored that half. "It's okay, it's cool right?" I asked, a feeling of wonder coursing through me, as I brought the keytar around to my chest, and felt over the keys. "Y-Yeah, I like the see through plastic." Rob said, making me nod in agreement, why was I so nervous about him finding this again? 'Because you got it from the void, and no one should know about it.' Oh, yeah, that. They'll all have to know at some point, but just.. not now.

I went to sit on the floor, turning my laptop so the screen wasn't facing Rob. Maybe it was just the computers at the school, they're so old, they tend to glitch out every once in a while. I began to type in the question about the void again, but like the last time, everything began to glitch out, worse than last time. I panicked, as this computer was new, and it was a gift. "You okay, (Y/N)?" Rob asked me. I didn't take my eyes off of the screen, trying to backspace while I talked. "Uh... Uhm.." I eventually forced the computer to shut down. "Uh.. yeah, sorry." I finished off.

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