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"The Anti-Hero."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I groggily opened my eyes, the event of last night seeming less important than when I was experiencing it first hand. I stood up out of bed, and stretched my limbs, the sound of my joints popping making me huff, and the sight of the sun through the window nearly blinding me. I was about to lay back down, but my subconscious went through the normal routine of smacking myself in the face. 'WAKE UP!' My mind screamed at me, the imaginary impact of a hand slapping me forcing me to stand straight up and walk to my clothing dresser.

Considering the events of yesterday, the school decided to have a break for the rest of the week, which gave me and Rob more time to fix up his place.

⏰Time Skip⏰

Rob and I had searched around the basement for a bit, finding some plaster, and leftover dry wall, with all of that, I grabbed a sewing kit from under (P/G)'s bed.

When I would go up to reinforce the roof with more metal, I'd be a bit more shaky than last time, and I'd climb back down instead of jumping. Rob noticed this, and pat my back in a comforting way, which made me give a lopsided smile in return. By the time we finished, we were dead tired, and all the materials besides the thread had been used, and some of the needles, a few broke while sewing up the tattered couch, but we were able to save some of them.

"All finished!" I exclaimed, leaning over the back of the couch.

"Like I said, better than what I could've done on my own, how did you learn to build like this anyways?" Rob asked me, sitting criss cross on the couch, looking at the newly finished walls. "(P/G) taught me how to repair things, when I fell through the roof into the bathroom one time." I said, remembering that day when I had to get stitches in my forehead, I kept trying to take them out, never knew why..

We spent the rest of our time talking about what kind of plan Rob had next to get vengeance on Gumball, mainly him listing off plans, and me giving my opinions on them. "So if I'm the villain, and Gumball is the hero, what does that make you, (Y/N)?" Rob asked curiously, I already knew what I was, because I classified myself before there even was a villain and hero. "Oh, that's easy, I'm an anti-hero!" I said, with a closed eyes smile,Rob gave me a confused look, before asking me about my answer. "An anti-hero? Isn't that the same thing?", "hm? No, an anti-hero is someone who doesn't pick a side, they're not a hero, but they're not a villain either." I explained, thinking about the situation where we were all on the wing of a plane.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense, you feel like the neutral one in all of this." He said in agreement, nodding his head. I got up and walked around the couch, getting out a piece of paper and writing my number on it. "Here, tell me when you're gonna go through with one of your plans next time." I said with a smile, handing him the paper, he looked down at the paper, and back up at me with a smile, and Colour bars replacing the static. 'Never seen that before, it's cute!' I thought to myself, a small blush spreading across my face, I waved goodbye as I left the shack, and made my way through the streets, I wasn't exactly planning on going somewhere, I just kind of wandered.

As I walked through one of the many familiar streets, a red van slowly pulled up next to me, making me slow down a bit in confusion, who is this person, and what do they want?

"Hey, kid, lookin' to buy something awesome?" The mysterious man said, his eyes piercing my soul, almost automatically, the door on the van opened up to reveal odd, yet seemingly ordinary objects. 'Oh this just FEELS like trouble.' One side said, but the other side of me argued back. 'But this could make for a cool story in the future.' Fortunately, or unfortunately, the second side of the argument won, and I stepped into the van slowly, balling my hand into a fist Incase I need to start punching. The door behind me slammed shut, and I jumped in shock, turning around towards the sound, but the mans voice made me turn to him instead. "I've got a plethora of items, all have special properties.", "this seems a bit Uh..." a wireless computer keyboard caught my eye, it was an off white, with color coded letters printed on the keys.

I turned my head to ask about it, but I saw the man holding up the keyboard in my face. "Interested?" I stuttered a bit, before shutting my mouth, and slowly nodding my head in confirmation. "Oh, it's an incredible piece of technology, perfect for an anti-hero, such as yourself." He said, running his hands over the keys. "How did you-!?", "it doesn't matter how I know, it matters if you're interested." He interrupted me, shoving the keyboard closer to my face. "Okaayy.. well what does it do?" I asked, he was placing this one object on such a high pedestal, you talked the talk, now you need to freakin' walk. The sketchy man handed me the keyboard, and I raised an eyebrow at him, he gestured for me to try it out. "Uhm.. okay, Control... Alt.. C." I mumbled as I pressed the keys, after pressing the C key, a console popped up in front of me, a white line blinking repeatedly. "Go ahead, type a console command." He encouraged, so I thought for a moment before deciding on a console command.

'Spawn_PoliceUniform' after that, a clear package with a Policeman's uniform costume inside it appeared, I picked it up and squeezed it gently, the bag crinkling under my thumb and fingers, as I felt the fabric through the bag. "See? You can do all kinds of things with this item, and being an anti-hero, I'm sure you'll do the right thing." He said, gesturing to the keyboard, I stared down at it for a moment before slowly reaching into my back pocket, and grabbing my wallet. "How much?", "Twenty Dollars, excellent choice." He said, taking the twenty dollar bill I handed him, and opening the vans door. I stepped outside, expecting to see the street I was on before the transaction, but to my surprise we were at my house. I turned around to see that the van had disappeared, I stuttered for a moment before shutting my mouth again, and looking down at the keyboard in curiosity.

Rob x Reader {Null & Void}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя