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(SF/C) = Second Favourite Colour.


(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I sniffled as I hovered my hand over the backspace key, should I really do this? It won't hurt anybody, or at least it shouldn't... I shook the thoughts out of my head, pressing the backspace key aggressively. As time reversed, my face felt odd, and my eye stung a little bit. I stopped at the beginning of the day, looking in the mirror to see that I had my raincoat on.

"(Y/N)! I'm going to work, I'll see ya later!" (P/G)'s voice called from downstairs, before the sound of a door opening and closing sounded. I said nothing as I examined my now healed face, no red in my eyes, and my skin was fairly clear of scarring. I looked down at the plastic bags that I needed to take to Rob, and picked them up, hanging them on my forearm. I rushed down the stairs, and opened the door, before pausing, and looking at the umbrella. Thinking it over for a second, I shook my head, and left the house without said umbrella. My (SF/C) boots splashed against the small puddles of water forming in the cracks of the sidewalk, and my (S/C) hands searched for any real pockets in my jeans, hoping for warmth. I huffed as I slowed down at the crosswalk, looking both ways before jogging across the street.

Halfway there, I slipped, and fell on my back, the air leaving my lungs. I heard a loud screech,accompanied with a honking horn, and opened my eyes to stare straight into the license plate of a car. When I finally caught my breath, I came to my full senses, and scrambled away from the car, grabbing the bags, and running to the sidewalk. I watched as the car drove off, as if nothing had happened. I just sighed, and turned on my heel, continuing to my destination. The raindrops pelted my head, and somehow found their way under my coat, soaking my shoulders. I moved my wet (H/C) hair out of my face, because it was beginning to stick to me.

After several minutes of both running, and walking, I stopped and rested by the same tree that caused the whole mess. At least now I knew to stay out of the way. 'It's gonna be different this time, (Y/N).. you know what you're doing..' my thoughts comforted me. 'But.. what if the tree is SUPPOSED to crash on me?' I decided to test my theory, but I didn't hear any crackling sounds yet, so I decided to just occupy myself with simple things. I rung out my hair first, and noticed that my shoes were untied, so I kneeled down and began to retie them. I heard the crackling, but I didn't flinch, as I had a plan, and I was willing to go through with it. I heard the loud 'SNAP!' Again, but instead of being pummeled by a scratchy, giant chunk of tree, I was yanked out of the way, and held against someone. I looked over at the large piece of tree that had crashed down onto the sidewalk, and turned my gaze to the person that pulled me out of the way.

My face flushed red, and I just stood there. Rob was the one to save me from injury, and I was thankful for that. He was redscreening, as I felt his hold around me tighten, to which I simply returned the gesture. After that, Rob pulled away from the hug, and held me by the shoulders at arms length, seemingly inspecting me for any sign of harm.

"Are you ok-kay? Did you get hurt at all, is the-?" I interrupted him, grabbing his shoulders.

"I'm awesome, man. Thank you for saving me from that." I said, a smile spreading across my face. It took him a couple seconds to try and believe me, and I gave him time to calm down, as he was still redscreening. He cleared his throat, and looked off to the side, his arms falling to his sides. "Wha-what are you doing out here?" He asked me, causing me to gasp, and look back at the tree. The plastic bags were trapped under the branch, and ripped up a bit. I dashed over, and ripped the small twigs away, yanking the bag out from under them, and holding them to my chest. I sighed as the fabric in the bag was damp, not dirty or anything, just damp. I sighed, not turning around, but looking off to the side as I talked, a little bit of salt in my voice. "I was supposed to deliver these blankets, but the tree fell and..." I trailed off, rubbing my temple real quick before turning around.

"I could help you." Rob offered, stepping towards me. I just hummed and looked down at the bags in thought, before slowly nodding my head. "Yeah.. Yeah, I'd like that." Before he could reach for the bag, I pulled them back, and continued. "I-I just need someone to walk with, you don't-t need to carry them." I said. Rob just nodded, and we continued up the street to my destination. At a few moments I had to pull Rob in the right direction, but I wasn't too bothered by it. Rob became confused when we arrived at his place, and I dashed inside quickly, gesturing for him to follow. "Uh, why are we-?", "happy fall!" I said, tossing him the bag of blankets, he just laughed and took out the blankets inside the torn up bags. "I hope you like them, I had to fight (P/G) to get them out of their hands." He has a look of awe in his eye, and I just smiled, holding my hands behind my back. "You didn't have to.." he trailed off, looking down at the blankets, and off to the side.

"C'mon you know I had to! Don't question it, it's freezing!" I exclaimed, grabbing one end of the blankets and throwing them over his head. "Hey!", "Haha, Sorry, Sorry!" I apologized, gently pulling the blankets back. And draping them over the tattered couch instead. "While I'm here, let's hang for a bit, Yeah?" I asked, taking off my raincoat, and folding it in my lap. While we were talking, I felt my nose itch, and I scratched at it, but that didn't work. I lifted the collar of my shirt over my nose, before sneezing into it twice. "Uh-oh, that's not good." Rob stated, to which I nodded. Stupid weak immune system...

"Well I wasn't expecting to have a 4 day weekend, but it is what it is I guess! Also: I worked hard on this for u guys, so enjoy."


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