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(Y/N)'s p.o.v

Lately I've been putting off my plans to confess my feelings, which would usually be a last second decision, ending in me being silent for the most part. It worried both (P/G) and Rob, but I told them that I had a lot on my mind. (P/G) knew what was on my mind, and Rob didn't question it. I began second guessing myself, and the thought of confessing was pushed to the back of my mind, until I eventually forgot about it. Because I forgot about it, I became less of a nervous wreck, and more of my usual self. Occasionally it would pop up in my head every once in a while, but I'd just take a nap and forget about it when I woke up. Because it was the school year again, I had more and more work piling up, they were turned in on time, but I'd be exhausted by the end, and I'd stop going outside just to get a little rest.

It's Wednesday now, and I just finished turning in some assignments for geometry. My phone buzzed, and I hesitated to pick it up, before shaking the feeling of nervousness off. It was a text from Rob, asking if it was possible to hang out today. I glanced at my screen, seeing that all my work was done, and I was free for the rest of the day. I said that we could hang out if he wanted, and I immediately received a response saying that he was coming over. I was wearing a flannel and sweat pants at the moment, and I thought to change my outfit at first, but we've been friends for so long, it won't matter. I just leaned back in my chair, and waited for the door to be knocked on.

Rob's p.o.v

I stood up, putting my phone in my bag before making my way to (Y/N)'s house. They've been acting weird lately, and I didn't wanna say anything about it, but it's become concerning. It always seemed like they wanted to say something, but reeled back last second... my heart pounded as I walked up to their front door, should I knock? Do they even wanna see me? I just shook the thought off, and knocked thrice, waiting for the door to open. When they opened the door, my eye widened slightly, but returned back to a neutral look. They looked like they had just woken up, but they didn't act like it, honestly though, they were kinda cute like that.

"Hey, bout time you showed up! I'm kidding, come in!" They exclaimed stepping aside, allowing space for me to walk in. I didn't say anything as they closed the door behind me, I just sighed and turned to face them with a serious look. Before I could state my thoughts, they grabbed my hand, dragging me to the kitchen. "Let's go to the backyard, it's actually pretty nice out." They stated, opening the door and jumping down the three steps, me following after. I sat down on the grass next to them, and we stayed there in a comforting silence.

"Are you... okay, (Y/N)?" I asked hesitantly, trying not to offend them. "Of course I am, why?" They asked, a soft smile on their face, which slowly faded away when they saw the serious and concerned look I had. "It's just that you've been so quiet lately, and when you'd try to speak, you immediately quiet yourself. I'm... worried." I finished quietly. They paused, looking off to the side. Their face suddenly reddened, and I saw their eyes gloss over with tears, which made me panic a bit. Before I could apologize for something I said, I was pulled into a tight hug. I heard (Y/N) quietly whimper, and they were shaking, as if they were trying really hard not to cry.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

'He's really that worried? I-I didn't mean to make him feel that way, I just.. I just didn't know what to say... it probably seemed like I didn't wanna hang out with him, I hope I didn't make him feel bad...'

I held my eyes tight shut as I tried to push my sobs down, only to have the tears slipping through, and sliding down my cheeks. I lifted my hands off of Rob a little, and clenched then tightly, as if I was actually ready to fight off these feelings. Suddenly my eyes were softly closed, and my mind had become peaceful.

'It's okay...'
'Breath in...'
I inhaled through my nose.
'Hold it...'
I held my breath for about 5 seconds.
'And breath out...'
I exhaled, and I felt a little better about the situation. Realizing what I was doing, I was about to pull away from the hug, when I felt Rob return the gesture, which I just sighed and opened my eyes. It felt nice... being like this... I wish we could stay like this, but all good things gotta end, Yeah? I pulled away from the hug, and smiled gently at Rob. He seemed reluctant to let go, but that may just be my imagination. I wiped my tear stained face with my sleeve, and ran my hand through my hair, getting some small tangles out. "So, What was bothering you?" Rob asked me after a few moments of silence, I just sniffled and looked down at my lap, smiling. "It doesn't matter an-.", "Yes it does!" Rob suddenly exclaimed, cutting me off. I tensed up, and looked up from my lap at him. He had a frustrated look on his face, mixed with a little concern. I know he won't let me give him a vague answer, but I can't just outright tell him.

"I... have... strong feelings for someone. I planned to confess to them, but I've been putting it off because I'm scared that they won't feel the same... I just... I just don't know how to go about it, or what to say..." I trailed off. Rob had an almost hurt look in his eye, and he looked shocked. "I know! It's stupid!" I groaned out, covering my face with both my hands. "No, no it's not, I-I'm just surprised is all. Wh-who do you like?" He asked, going quiet towards the end. I froze up, my eyes widening slightly, I don't know what I was expecting this question is common. I swallowed the lump in throat, and began to stutter out my answer. "We-ell I... I like-!"

"(Y/N)!" I froze up at (P/G)'s shout, looking in their direction, I saw that they had a mixture of concern and anger in their eyes. "Have you been crying!?"

"Almost confess, that is!

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