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"Change Of Plans."

Info: for those of you that don't know, the glitch on Robs back is his backpack, sometimes it's confused for hair, but I can see why.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I've since equipped the new keyboard with the leftover strap from the keytar, and right now I'm lazing around the house, flipping channels until deciding on a channel that focused on crimes. I felt my phone buzz, and I pulled it out of my pocket to see that Gumball had texted me about hanging out. I saw no reason not to, it'll be a nice day at the mall, besides, I'm tired of being cooped up, I should go to the mall more often. I texted back that I'd meet him there in 10 minutes, I just need to grab my wallet.

When I got to the mall, I saw Gumball and Darwin talking, and carrying on waiting for me, I called their names and we met halfway to the entrance. We immediately decided to stop by the food court first, since we'd probably be here for a while. We all ordered from 3 different places, mysteriously, Larry was the cashier for all of them, but I decided not to question it. I set the greasy paper bag of food on the table we were sitting at, before emptying its contents of nuggets and fries.

"So, what all should we do After eating?" I asked, leaning back in my chair, and eating my fries. I saw Gumball attempt to take a drink of his soda, before choking on it, causing Darwin to simply smack him in the back of the head, stopping the choking. Gumball wipes his face with a napkin nonchalantly, before answering.

"Well, I was thinking that we could all go to that new edgy goth store, and see what they have. We'll probably run into Carrie over there, so that'll be fun." He explained, taking a drink of his soda and not choking this time. I nodded in agreement as I already finished my meal, and put all my trash into the paper bag. I couldn't help but feel that our small group was being watched, and it felt eerie, I took a moment to look around us, I thought I caught a glimpse of someone, but it was probably just some kid, so I shrugged it off, and went with the two brothers to the new store.

It didn't look too edgy in the store, but it did kind of strike me as goth, or emo, and Gumball was right, we did meet Carrie here. I spoke to her for a bit, as she started suggesting some items that I may, or may not like, and I eventually decided on a skull T-Shirt, but it was the only thing I could by before we all left, I waved goodbye to Carrie as we walked around a bit more. I suggested that we go look for some movies, since clothes are kind of boring when compared. It was a lot harder than you'd think, deciding on a movie to get, Gumball and Darwin were looking through the '$1' bin, while I was holding two movies. I bit my lip as I hesitantly chose a horror movie, putting the romcom back down. As I walked up to the counter, I took glances behind me, both because I was still unsure about what movie to get, and I still felt that feeling of being watched.

Eventually, we all decided to sit down at a metal bench in the middle of the mall, and talk about nonsense. After a while, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket again, and I checked to see that it was Rob. He was also texting to see if I wanted to hang out, I hummed in thought. 'I don't hang out with these guys much, but I'm better friends with Rob, and he'd probably be mad.' I thought, boring the inside of my cheek. "Hey, Hey (Y/N)! You okay?" Gumball said, leaning over to see who I was talking to, I turned my phone off, because I don't like people snooping around my texts. "Oh, Rob wants to hang out, I'd invite him to hang with all of us, but...", "oh. Oh, yeah! I get it, well it's up to you, we won'-!"

"Hey, (Y/N)!" I nearly jumped out of my skin, when Rob introduced himself out of nowhere. "Oh, hey Ross!" Gumball responded, making Rob give him a glare that could kill. "It's Rob." He corrected through gritted teeth, his hands on his hips. When he turned to me, his expression changed to that of a happy one, which confused me. "I didn't know you were here (Y/N), wanna Hang out?" He asked the same question out loud, I went to look at Gumball and Darwin for some sort of advice, but they had these odd looks on their faces, like they knew something I didn't, so I turned back to Rob and nodded my head. "Please." After that, I hopped off of the bench, and began walking with Rob around the mall, if today didn't feel odd enough, the feeling of being watched disappeared, I've had enough of this week, so I decided not to question it for the sake of not being stressed.


Robs p.o.v

I huffed as I went through one of my plans for today, Gumball was planning on going to the mall today, which seemed like a perfect setting to exact my vengeance. I was getting my supplies ready, setting them up at the exact place where he sits when at the food court, making plans means that you need to do research beforehand, so I had a good idea of Gumballs routine at the mall. As I was setting things up, I heard Gumball and Darwin making their way towards their table, when I looked to see if they sat down or not, my eyes widened in surprise, as (Y/N) was with them as well. This... puts some dents in my plans.

'Shoot, I can't risk harming (Y/N), But I've already set everything up.' I thought to myself, ducking down when (Y/N) looked in my direction. I spent a lot of time thinking it through, before I heard the chairs being pushed back as they all left, I sighed as I missed my window of opportunity, but I probably have more chances. I followed the trio into a movie store, I saw them go to that new goth store, but that place strikes me as 'odd' in a bad way.

I would've set up another trap, but I couldn't seem to come up with one, as a bad feeling began to make its way through my head, I haven't felt something like this before, but I don't like it, it'd get more intense whenever Gumball and (Y/N) would talk to each other. I hid out of sight, when the three of them left the store to go somewhere else. 'If I want to set out my plans, I'm gonna need to get (Y/N) away from them.' I thought to myself, taking my phone out of my backpack.

'Hey, (Y/N)! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?' I texted them, I saw them take out their phone and read the text, probably thinking of a response, until Gumball said something to distract them. I huffed, and walked towards the trio, I needed to get (Y/N) away from Gumball, so they won't get hurt. "Hey, (Y/N)!" I said, startling (Y/N), Gumball smiled at me and responded. "Oh, Hey Ross!" He said, forgetting my name again. I spoke through gritted teeth, correcting him again. "It's Rob." I turned to (Y/N) with a more calm expression, because I didn't want to scare them. "I didn't know you were here (Y/N), Wanna Hang out?" I asked, lying at the beginning, behind (Y/N) I saw that Darwin and Gumball has odd expressions on their faces, like they knew something. (Y/N) looked back at them, before turning to me again, and hopping off of the bench. "Please." They said, walking with me around the mall.


As we walked around the mall, I saw that (Y/N) seemed a bit uncomfortable. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?", "did you notice the looks on those boys faces?" They asked me, I nodded my head. "They were odd, but I wouldn't expect any less from them." I responded. They nodded their head as we continued walking through the mall, and looked through stores that had many expensive things, well, they were expensive in my opinion, I don't have any money. We were at a store that had a lot of things that would fit in with the nerd group at school, I was leaning against the entrance, as (Y/N) went off to go buy something real quick.

When (Y/N) came back, they had a box resting in the white plastic bag, once they reached me, they held the bag out to me, to which I gave a confused look, did they need me to carry it for a bit? "Oh, I didn't really have anything creative to think of as a housewarming gift, so I thought maybe this'd be okay, it's kinda like a gift basket." They said, taking the box out, it was a first aid looking box, with a heart on top of the cross, the heart had a bite taken out of it, and frankly, it was cute. Not just the design, but the fact that (Y/N) wanted to give me a gift, I felt my face heat up as I took the box into my hands. "Uh, thanks! I wish I had something to give you." They held up their hand in a 'no need' gesture. "You don't need to, I've got all the stuff I could ever need in life, if I were to ask you if anything, it'd be for a smile." They said, crossing their arms, and chuckling to themselves. I felt my face heat up so much, that I thought I may have gotten sick, I gave them a lopsided smile, to which they smiled back. "There it is!" They exclaimed, laughing. I laughed along, and we began roaming around the mall again.

I can change my plans for the day.

"That picture is just my edited version of the actual hangry kit. I've never had it, but I'd love to use the container as a lunch box."

Rob x Reader {Null & Void}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora