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"Why I'm your friend."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I sighed as they brought Rob to the front desk of the police station, since I used the money to help bail Rob out. When they brought him out, I saw some of the injuries from when Rob crashed on to the car, which was worrying. As we walked out of the police station, Rob seemed a bit downtrodden, weather it's from his failed scheme, or his injuries didn't really matter to me. I decided to take him to my house for a short time, seeing as how his small shack is still gonna be under construction for a while, and I had medical supplies at my house that didn't come from the Junk Yard. When I opened the door, I set down my tote bag, and lead Rob over to the couch for him to sit down.

"I'll go grab some bandages real quick, let me know if you need anything else." I said, going up the stairs to grab the first aid kit from the bathroom cabinet. I came back downstairs, almost tripping and falling down on the way, but catching myself in the end. I sat on the couch next to Rob, and began cleaning and covering his injuries, every once in a while, he'd wince, and glitch out when I would clean up some of his wounds.

"Why are you helping me?" Rob asked quietly, making me pause for a moment, my eyes widening only slightly. "Because you're my friend." I said factually, beginning to pack up all the medical supplies into the first aid kit. "But why are you my friend? I do all these bad things, and you're still here, helping me." I took a moment to try and think of a response, do people really need to have a reason to be friends? "We're friends because we enjoy each other's company." I said, but before Rob could respond, I continued my sentence, remaining eye contact. "We're friends because we see the good qualities in each other, it doesn't matter about the bad things you do, Rob, because I'm always gonna be there to help out, weather it's you, or the situation. Don't question it, embrace it while it's there." When I finished my speech, I was looking down at my hands, there was a long moment of silence, at least I thought it was a long moment, maybe it's was a couple seconds, I'm not sure.

All of a sudden, I felt Rob wrapping his arms around me in a hug, and I smiled, hugging him back. It felt comforting, and I was smiling the entire time, almost like I didn't want it to end, in a way... I really didn't want it to end.

Robs p.o.v

I've never been friends with anybody like them before, then again, I've never been friends with people who could remember my name properly. But (Y/N) is different to me, they're.. special to me. I don't want to lose them, they made me feel worth something, something Gumball and Darwin attempted, and failed to do.

I felt my face heat up, but I didn't want to break the hug to cover it up, so I just hugged (Y/N) tighter, them responding in the same manner.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

We hugged for a couple more minutes, but eventually I had to let go. I went over to the supply closet again, and looked on the top shelf, to grab a couple blankets and spare pillows. I held the blankets and pillows in one arm, and gestured for Rob to follow me with the other. "What're we doing?" Rob asked me, as we walked up the stairs to the guest room. I opened the door, and gently lied the blankets and pillows down on the bed, despite the bed already having a comforter, and a few pillows.

"The forecast calls for rain tonight, and you've had a bad enough day today." I said. 'That and I don't have the materials to help finish the place.' I thought to myself, making a mental list of things I'd need later. "What about your parents?" Rob asked, concerned, making me shrug my shoulders. "(P/G)'s really nice, they'll let you stay for a bit." I said, fluffing up one of the pillows, and squishing one of the memory foam pillows. "But we've got a lot of time to kill before they come back home from work, though they're only gonna be here for a short moment." I said, walking out of the room, back downstairs to the living room where the TV and games resided.

I grabbed a throw pillow, and the remote, flipping through channels, before deciding on a channel that features nothing but ghost hunting shows. I felt the couch dip down slightly beside me, as Rob sat next to me, and we smiled at each other, now all we gotta do is wait for (P/G) to get home!

I hope Rob isn't scared of any of these shows.

"Omg its a rare occurrence, I didn't publish at 5AM"

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