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(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I yawned, and stretched my arms out as I sat up in bed, slowly recalling the events of yesterday. As the memories came to mind, everything suddenly got brighter, literally. The colours were more saturated, and the light coming through the blinds in my window had gotten brighter, making it seem like the light fixture in my room was on.

Usually I'd just sleep in and wait to do things later, but today felt different. I jumped out of bed, and grabbed my phone off of its charger, turning it on. Immediately, I was greeted with a good morning text from Rob, making me smile. I replied with a similar text, and walked downstairs. My ears twitched at the sound of sizzling, sizzling? Did (P/G) leave the food channel on again? That question was immediately shot down as I walked into the kitchen, seeing (P/G) cooking eggs over the stove, with an unreadable expression on their face.

"Heya (P/G), did they finally give you a break?" I asked jokingly, sitting at the table waiting for them to finish cooking so that we could talk normally. As if my silent wish was granted, they immediately turned around with two plates of breakfast, sitting down in front of me.

"Not exactly..." (P/G) mumbled with a small smile on their face, as they picked at their food, rather than eating it. "What do you mean?" I asked, tilting my head to the side curiously. They looked up at me, their smile slowly growing wider. "I quit!" They suddenly blurted out, making me nearly choke on my food, as I covered my mouth. When I caught my breath, I looked at them with a shocked expression, looking for any hint that this was a prank. "Wha- wai- really?" I asked in disbelief, pushing my plate aside. They nodded their head quickly, as the smile left their face. "I thought it'd be a good idea to spend more time with you, (Y/N)! We never really talk, so thought maybe... heheh." (P/G) trailed off, with a small chuckle at the end.

I just gave a fake smile, as I resumed eating my breakfast. I wasn't upset that they quit, it's just... so sudden, and out of nowhere. Not only that, but their reason seemed fake, sure they said it like they meant it, but it didn't really look like they meant it. I excused myself, and went to sit on the couch, not bothering turning on the TV, as I texted Rob about the news.

'(P/G) literally just quit their job!' I texted, mumbling some of the words to myself as I typed. I waited for a response as the three dots showed up, telling me that he was typing.

'Wow, really? Good for them! They always seemed stressed.' He responded, making me hum in an unsure tone.

'Yeah, I guess it's good.'

'What's wrong? Now you get to spend more time with them!'

A blush rose to my cheeks, as I immediately thought of a response to that statement. I closed my eyes as I finally pressed send, waiting for the buzz of my phone. "That was so cheesy..." I mumbled to myself, biting the inside of my cheek.

'Hahah, I'd rather spend time with you though!' Is what my text read out. My heart thumped in my chest, as the three dots appeared and disappeared a few times. 'Was that too weird? Maybe it sounded stupid, dang it-!' My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing.

'That's sweet of you. Speaking of which, do you wanna hang out today?' I thought about it for a second, before looking over my phone towards the kitchen. "Hey (P/G)!" I called, earning a pause before I got a response. "Yeah?!", "can I hang out with Rob today!?" I asked, jumping in shock, as I immediately heard glass shattering in the kitchen after that. There was a long-ish pause, before they spoke up again. "Of- of course!" They said, sounding a bit irritated. I decided not to question it, in fear of making them mad, so I got ready and headed out the door. 'I'm on my way.' I texted, before jumping off of the stairs and heading to Robs place.

As soon as I showed up, I was greeted with a hug, to which I returned happily. We started a conversation, talking about what we usually would. I frowned as I saw Rob's static darken, and he held his head in his hands, cringing. "He-Hey, you okay?" I asked worriedly, putting my hand on his back.

"Yea-Yeah it's just a... I have this really bad headache for some reason." He stated, to which I nodded and pat his back, trying to comfort him. "Hey, Hey." I said, making him look up at me. I leaned up and kissed his forehead, hugging him afterwards. "It's chill." I finished, my face heating up as Rob hugged me tighter, his static getting lighter after a few seconds. "Thanks." He mumbled, to which I pat his back and hummed. "You would've done the same for me."

"I just put on an awesome outfit, and great makeup for school, and as soon as I put my backpack on, they call off school. If there's no school tomorrow, I'm going to lose it, I spent all that time on stupid makeup when I could've just slept in! Also, the new Wattpad logo kinda makes me uncomfy, but whatever!"

Rob x Reader {Null & Void}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum