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"It talks Back, Rob."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I slowly opened my eyes, only to close them again from the blinding white light above me. I shifted my arms to push myself up, but flinched and lied back down, when I felt a sharp pain shoot through my spine. I groaned and tilted my head to the side, looking out the window. I knew I was in a hospital, the white walls and ceilings were a giveaway, aside from the fact that my blanket is as thin as a sheet of paper. I didn't see any reason to stay awake, so I closed my eyes and went back to sleep, my eyes felt dried out anyways, and my head ached.

I opened my eyes again, avoiding looking at lightbulb above me, but by the way the light dances across the walls, I'd say that the sun is setting just now, though my sight was just a bit blurry. The feeling of pins and needles had waved through my hands, and I moved my fingers to try and get the blood pumping through them. I stopped my right hand, when I felt that someone was holding it, and I blinked a couple more times to get my sight back to a twenty-twenty. When my eyesight cleared up, I saw that Rob had my hand enclosed in both of his, and I smiled.

"Hey Rob." I rasped out quietly, my throat dry and scratchy. When he heard my voice his eye widened, and he colourbarred for a millisecond, before letting go of my hand and cleared his throat, looking away. I didn't see his face, but I heard some sniffles coming from him, and I tilted my head. "How long ya been here?" I asked, gently. There was a pause, as if he had to collect himself, before speaking.

"A-as soon as I was notified, I tried texting you before then, but.." He trailed off, turning to face me, hesitantly. "Yeah, I saw your text, I was busy at the moment." I uttered out, remembering the purpose that the void had given me, I wonder if there are more people. I snapped out of my curious thoughts when I saw how Rob looked, he looked like he had been crying, all the while not sleeping, other than that, he didn't seem too disheveled, he was glitching out a lot more though. "What's up with you? You look like you've seen a ghost." I stated curiously, tilting my head. "Ah, almost." He said, a ghost of a smile appearing on his face, if only for a moment. I sighed, and let my head fall back on the pillow, hearing the puff of air that escaped the casing, before softly descending onto the thin plush underneath. I exhaled through my nose, staring out the window as the sun disappeared, to make room for the moon.

Just then, a nurse came into the room, holding a clipboard, seeming to be writing something down on the paper it held.

"Visiting hours are over." he said flatly, holding a little kindness in his voice, so that he didn't seem rude about it. Rob reluctantly got up, and patted my shoulder, and I gritted my teeth in pain, hiding it with a smile. "I'll see ya, Rob." I said, waving goodbye as he left the room. After he left, the Nurse closed the door and sat in a chair beside me, flipping over the first paper to read the one under it. "You have severe bruising on your back, shoulders, and you have minor head damage, though you seem fine on that last part." He said, mumbling the last part in thought as I nodded along, encouraging him to say anything else he needed to. "When'll I be able to leave?" I asked him, and he traced his finger down to the bottom of the page. "Uuuuhh, depending on how fast the bruises will heal, I'd say about two and a half months." He said, returning back to the first page, and standing up to leave. I just sighed, and slowly turned on my side, rolling up under the thin blanket provided. It hurt just to shift in place, I'd kill for some pain killers right now, but I'll have to wait til (P/G) shows up, because they always know what to give me.

At this point I was just trying to feel comfortable, I couldn't sleep, mainly because I'd gotten enough. Tossing and turning isn't an option, getting up is out of the question, calling my friends is... plausible. I reluctantly sat up, my eyes burning with salty tears as the feeling of arrows shooting through me made itself prominent, nonetheless I successfully sat up straight, and I slowly reached over to a table on wheels, that had my phone on it. Dragging over the table, I pushed the blank papers, and black pens aside, turning on my phone to see it was really low on battery, it only had enough energy to tell me that before shutting itself off. I groaned and set it face down on the table, before rubbing my temples in frustration, hospitals are the worst, I learned that a few years back, but I thought it'd get better with age.

I silently gasped as the window to my hospital room opened, and somebody climbed it, what!? What valuable things do I own!? They've got the wrong room number. The person stood up and rubbed their head, as they fell on it climbing through, and turned around. "Hah Hey Rob!" I greeted laughing, him laughing along. "What're you doing here? Isn't this room like, really high up?" I asked, leaning a bit to get s glimpse of how high we are. "It.. was boring at my place, and I thought you could use some company." He explained, sitting back in his original seat, I nodded in confirmation, it would probably get boring in here by myself. "So... how did you get your injuries?" He asked me, picking up a small paper at the end of my bed, listing off my medical problems. "I was saving someone.", "saving someone? From what?" I looked around for any nurses or doctors that could eavesdrop, before leaning in slightly and speaking in a low voice. "From the void." Robs eye widened at the mention of the place, But before he could ask a question, I answered it. "Not everybody is supposed to be in the void Rob, they just don't know how to get out. That's why I keep going back, because I found a way."

Rob was speechless, something going through his mind as I leaned back, resting my hands in my lap. "How do you know this?" He asked, and I thought for a moment, the void, it... "The void talks back, you can't hear it, but you know what it's saying." I explained, the soft sound of static echoing in the back of my head. Rob Just sat there in silence, before shaking his head and smiling at me, and I smiled back. "You should sleep, you look like the guys they show on pillow commercials." I said, chuckling.

Rob x Reader {Null & Void}Where stories live. Discover now