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"Family Fist Fight."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I groaned as my eyes slowly cracked open, staring up at the roof of the bus. I sat up, and looked around, the back of the bus was walled off, and the windows were blocked as well. Judging by the fact that everything as practically blocked off, I assumed that the door to the bus would be locked. I was correct, when I attempted to open the busses door, it only jerked a bit, but it didn't open. I sat in the drivers seat, and searched for the emergency exits switch, everything had been busted, buttons were missing, switches were bent out of shape, and wires were cut. I ran down the isle, checking every other emergency latch, only to see that they had been broken off and missing, making me sigh in frustration. I looked up, there was usually a hatch on the roof of the of busses, in case everything else had failed. Luckily, the hatch was still there, and I stood up on the seats so that I could reach it.

I made it out of the bus, an exasperated sigh escaping my lips when I relaxed on the fellow painted top of the bus. I looked out at the familiar land markings again, just to see that they had all been scattered, some looking as if they'd been ripped apart. Whatever hint I had before was ripped from me, and I was all the more frustrated. 'Who knocked me out? Why did they have my keyboard?' I asked myself, subconsciously bringing up my hand to touch the wound, dried blood flaking and falling off as my fingers made contact. Tiny volts of electricity shot through me, causing me to pull my hand back, and shake the dried flakes of blood off of my hands. I climbed down from the top of the bus, landing on a large chunk of a houses roof. I didn't give myself enough time to completely think through my route, before I leaped out, and grabbed onto a helicopters skids. For some reason my hands were sweaty, so it was kind of difficult to actually climb up into the seats, but when I got there, I let out a sigh of relief.

I scooted over to the other side, and looked over the edge to see what was below, when the helicopter suddenly started up, and the blades were rapidly spinning.

"Woah, hol' up!" I shouted, as the handle suddenly shifted, and the helicopter went backwards and slammed into something, causing me to be thrown back as well, nearly falling out of the cockpit. I wasn't given time to react, before the helicopter started moving forward on its own, almost crashing into a decaying house. Luckily, I snatched the handle, and pulled back, steadying the vehicle for it to stay relatively still in the air. I let out a huge sigh of relief when I felt safe enough, but I tensed back up when I looked up to see a mysterious figure in the distance, concealed in a black hat and sweatshirt. If that wasn't sketchy or scary enough, they were also holding my keyboard, looking fairly damaged. My eyes widened when they casually brought up the keyboard and started typing. 'Wait, isn't this the helicopter with the ejector se-!?' Before I could jump out, the person had activated the ejector seat, and I was slammed against the glass, ultimately breaking through it at an angle. Because I was at an angle, I was propelled forward, rather than up into the blades. I used this to what advantage I had left, and reached my hand out to the person. They flinched back, and tried to dodge, but I grabbed onto the hood of their jacket, and drug them to the ground.

Despite my face being covered in cuts, and glass, and blood, I was still pretty set on ending this whole predicament. I scrambled up, and went to do one of two things, either A:I get my keyboard back, or B: I reveal this persons identity. Why not both? As soon as I went over and stood over them, I was immediately engaged into a fist fight, hair was pulled, bruises were made, keyboards were chipped of their paint and plastic. I shouted as I grabbed onto the persons hoodie, and slammed them into the ground, taking their hat off. I was suddenly kicked in the jaw, pushing me backwards as I let out a pained cry. I held onto my face, and looked up to see the suspect, but gasped as I saw who it was.

Standing their, covered in bruises and blood, was (P/G), a dark expression on their face as they stared me down in silence. "You... after all we've been through- AGH!" I choked on the rest of my sentence as my arms were forced behind my back, in an awkward position. (P/G) held a grim and expression as they looked back and fourth between me, and the keys they were pressing. Immediately putting two and two together, I realized that they were forcing my hands behind my back with the arrow keys, or wasd, whichever worked for them. I struggled to get myself out of this position, the stress on my arms making the pain worse.

"Trust me honey, what we've been through isn't much." They said, slamming on the down key, forcing me to sit on my knees with a grunt, as small rocks dug into the flesh of my legs. I struggled more, I felt as though a muscle in my shoulder was going to snap, and render me immobile. "Cut it out, you're making it worse." (P/G) said bluntly, letting go of the keyboard, letting it sway with the strap around their neck. The sense of betrayal I felt is unimaginable, and I can't even cry about it, not like I could anyway, they muted me. "Y'-Y'know I never really expected you to be here." (P/G) said as they walked towards me, gesturing to the area around them. "But, now that I know you're here, and what you're here for, I suppose it's my job to stop you." They continued, slowing down to a stop when they got in front of me. "Not personal, just business." They stated, before kicking me in the face, sending me sliding against the rough terrain. I gritted my teeth as I looked up, to see (P/G) still pursuing me. It's a stupid idea, but I began struggling violently, despite my arms being latched in place behind my back. I only saw one outcome to this situation, and it wasn't good at all.

"O o f, can I get uuuuuuuhhhh family feud? I also wanna do a lil thing where you like- ask all the characters in this book questions like- y'know? Idk."

Rob x Reader {Null & Void}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα