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Info: (Y/N) always has their tote bag with them, no matter what.

"The Bus."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I sighed as I leaned my head against the window, Tuesday's were the worst Because the dread finally sets in after a bit, but I could always just goof off, or cause distractions so time is wasted. I was sitting in a seat with Teri, who was listening to music through one earbud, and drawing on her phone.

"Oh man, I don't know how you guys do it." I heard Rocky say to Gumball and Darwin, I wasn't quite caught up with the conversation, so I stood on my knees and leaned over my seat to hear better. Gumball turned around from talking to Leslie, and explained how it wasn't that hard to learn how to stretch your face, I cringed at the thought. "No, I mean I don't know how you go to school everyday." Rocky clarified, occasionally taking his eyes off of the road, Gumball gave off an unamused look.

"Rocky, you drive us there." Gumball said factually, and I saw Rocky grow a sly smile on his face. "Well... I don't have to." At that statement Gumball turned around again, with a grin on his face. "Reeeeaaaalllyyyy....?" but his neck cracked making him let out a noise of pain. "Well, we're on a bus, we could go anywhere." Rocky said, making me perk up. 'Anywhere?' Today is gonna be a good day! Darwin started listing off unrealistic places that the bus could go, like space, or underwater, making me grin at his imagination. "Well, anywhere with a road, except up steep hills... or under low bridges." Rocky stated factually, so Gumball finally made the decision. "Let's do it! After all we've got the rest of our lives to go to school!" He exclaimed, causing Alan to protest, and Alan's protesting made both me and Gumball frown.

"Well I think we should go to school, so we can work hard, and get the best possible start in-." Before Alan could finish, Gumball sighed, and popped him, making Me and a couple other students eyes widened at what he did. "Anyone else wanna go to school?" Gumball asked, with his arms crossed, causing me and every other student to agree about not going to school, scared of what would happen had we said otherwise. Rock turned back to us for a moment to see that we all agreed, before turning back to the road with a smile. "Okay! No school it is!" Rocky exclaimed, driving past the school. 'I wonder if simian saw us.' I thought to myself, as we passed by. "Where should we go instead?" Rocky asked, causing a chorus of suggestions erupting from the students. "Daisyland!", "The beach!", "The school bus!" Sussie's suggestion was odd as always, but she seemed ecstatic when Darwin told her that we were already on the bus. "What about the waterpark?" Gumball asked everyone, to which we all began to agree, all except for Tobias, who was really set on the beach.

"Alrighty, we just gotta make one more stop." Rocky said, stopping the bus and opening the door for someone. 'wait, there aren't anymore stops.' My thoughts questioned, as he spoke in a low voice to someone called 'Mr.Pink' I sat back in my seat, thinking nothing of it as I took out my phone, ready to send a video to the people that couldn't show up today, and by now we had reached the highway. Gumball was attempting to compromise with Tobias about the beach situation, so that everybody could be happy. "Alright, we'll go to the waterpark, then the beach!" He said, but Tobias was still not content, and opened his mouth to protest, but a loud stomp interrupted him and startled everyone else on the bus. We turned to the source of the noise to see Principal Brown, standing up from one of the seats in the back, and clearing his throat.

"Good afternoon, children, I'm Mr.Brown. This is Mr.Pink, Mr.Rainbow, and Mr.White, and we'll be your captors for the day. The exits are.." he paused for a moment before finishing his sentence loudly. "Irrelevant, 'cause you're going nowhere!" I rolled my eyes, did he really think that he could stop a bus full of students with only four people? Not possible. Just then 'Mr. Pink' spoke up, holding out a black briefcase.

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