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(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling of the living room, the only light coming from the candles on the coffee table. I decided to sleep in the living room, in case (P/G) came back, because despite the power being out at their day job, their night job is still open. I put my phone on silent to listen to the rain, but I still got messages. I hummed as my phone lit up, illuminating the ceiling in a blue-ish light. Picking up my phone, I saw that it was Rob texting me, it wasn't surprising, but I was hoping for (P/G). He was asking if I had any spare candles, to which I responded for him to just come to my house, because my power was out, and I'm not willing to share.

About twenty minutes later, there was a knock at my door, and I opened it to let Rob in. I stood in the doorway for a bit to look at all the rain, tiny rivers flowing down the side of the street. I used to make paper boats, and watch them float down the street from my porch, I used to imagine there were little people on the boat, going on an adventure. I closed the door, thunder cracking just as I did so, but I'm not scared of it, thunder doesn't hurt, only lighting.

"So, hows it going? You want some food? It's in the basement right now, but I have a flashlight." I asked, picking up the flashlight and tapping it against the basement door in order to turn it on, the light wasn't bright, but it worked. 'Maybe there's something wrong with the batteries..?' I thought to myself. "Actually, I really want food right now, so I'm going down anyways." I stated, opening the door, and carefully walking down the stairs. I always get really hungry when I mention food, but when someone else mentions food I'm perfectly fine, I don't understand it, but I'm fine with it.

I sat the flashlight down as I looked through the ice box, and containers for snacks. Because the electricity is off, I just grabbed the food that didn't need heat. Y'know, like chips, and soda. I grabbed the cookies, but the ice melted a bit, so they're kinda soaked, oh well. When I went back upstairs, I closed the door with my foot, accidentally dropping the flashlight as I did. I just hugged and went over to the coffee table, setting the snacks down, and going back to grab the flashlight.

"I think you need a new flashlight." Rob said, pointing to it, as the low light flickered. I shook my head, as I screwed the cap at the bottom off. "It's fine, I think the batteries are the problem." I said, dumping the batteries into my hand; dried battery acid falling out along with them. I grimaced, and wiped my hands on my pants, tossing the batteries out into the darkness. I sighed, sitting criss cross on the floor in front of the coffee table, opening the bag of chips. "The batteries had busted.." I mumbled, opening the other snack containers. "I don't know what it is today, with electric appliances breaking, my transformer blew out earlier, so that's why I'm not sharing candles." Rob nodded in response, going to grab a cookie, only for half of it to break off in his hand. "The cookies are soggy.", "The ice in the ice box downstairs is melting, so a lot of things are like that probably." I said, grabbing two cookies and stuffing them in my face before they could fall apart.

I scratched my nose, looking over at the window, as a flash of lightning illuminated the sky, had I not had candles, it would've been eerie. "So where's (P/G)?" Rob asked, looking over at the window as well. "They're at work." I responded casually, not taking my eyes off of the window. "They always seem to be at work, don't you get lonely?" Rob asked, making me freeze up. 'Yes...' "I mean, Yeah, but I know it's for a good reason." I mumbled, shifting my gaze down at the floor. "I mean- their day job pays more than enough to keep us afloat, but if they feel obligated.." I trailed off, my hands clenching into fists as I felt my eyes water. "..I'm fine with it." I finished, my knuckles turning white, as many thoughts rushed through my head. "Hey, are you okay..?" Rob asked, concerned. I took a moment to recollect myself, uncurling my hands, and taking a quiet breath. I simply nodded, and took another cookie out of the container, letting it crumble this time.

"So, do you wanna spend the night? The guest bedroom is still clean, unlike the other rooms." I said, crossing my arms and resting them on the table, using them as a pillow for my head. "I guess, I mean it's raining pretty bad, so I don't wanna walk back out there.", "Yeah, Sorry about that, I just didn't wanna share." I apologized, blushing in embarrassment. We spent the rest of our time talking, and eating, but by now we were getting tired. I wished Rob a goodnight, and sat there in silence for a little longer, until I eventually stood up. I opened the front door quietly, and walked out on my front porch, the wind pushing my hair in different directions, mainly in my face. 'I don't like being alone..' I thought to myself, walking over to the railing, and leaning on it. 'I don't have to be alone, but it doesn't feel the same when I'm just with friends. Sometimes the company just feels.. fake..' I sighed as I saw (P/G)'s car pull up in the drive way, this is the first time I've ever been melancholic seeing them, maybe it was just the timing..

"It usually takes me a hot minute to start the chapters, but once I get into it, I get motivated to write more."

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