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"Saving Ray."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I kept thinking about who I was looking for, who, WHO COULD IT BE? I jumped from platform to platform, searching uprooted abandoned houses, maybe the person I'm looking for is somewhere in there! I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I picked it up, it was just a text from Rob, and I was going to ignore it until a lightbulb appeared over my head. 'My contacts!' If the Void chose me to look for someone, then that must mean that I know them! I scrolled through my contacts til a certain person stuck out like a sore thumb, it was jumbled text overlapping, and changing letters, but a constant sequence of letters caught my eye very quickly. 'R-A-Y.'

"Ray.? Who's ray? I don't know anybody named-" And like a flash of lightning, a giant flood of memories came back all at once, causing me to fall backwards, my elementary school, half of my junior high. "Rachael." I mumbled to myself, suddenly the letters turned normal, spelling out the nickname I gave her. I took a couple steps around, before jumping to another platform. "RAY!" I shouted loudly, hoping to get a response, but when I didn't I called out again, and again, and again..

"Hello!?" A voice called in the distance, a familiar voice. "Ray!?" I asked, earning a shout of confirmation when she asked who was there, and once again, sticking out like a sore thumb, was Rachael's colorful silhouette, painfully contrasting with the greyscale static. She slowly turned around to see me, falling to her platform, and her eyes widened in disbelief. "(Y-Y/N)?" She stuttered out, and I nodded vigorously, excited to see her, but a lingering thought went through my mind. 'How.. how could I forget her?' I asked myself, throwing off my concentration, and falling face first onto the platform in front of her, she helped me stand up, and I smiled gratefully at her. She engulfed me in a bone crushing hug, to which I returned immediately, I didn't need to ask if she was scared, this place was confusing for anyone who's never been. "I don't know where I am!" She exclaimed, releasing me, and looking around at her environment. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently, in a reassuring manner to calm her down. "It doesn't matter, we need to get you out." I said, looking around for some form of an exit. My eyes widened as another idea came to mind, and I looked at Rachael with pleading eyes, begging for her trust.

"Rachael.. I need you to trust me." I said, not letting go of her hand, she gave me a worried look, wondering what I was planning. "Why?" She asked cautiously, and I looked over towards the edge of our platform, swallowing the lump in my throat. "We need to jump down." I said, a fearful look in my eyes, as she yanked her hand away. "Are you insane!? At a height like that, who knows what'll happen to us!" She exclaimed, backing away from me, with a stern look adorning her features. I sighed, frustrated, and looked around a bit more, nothing else came to mind, and I left my keyboard home. Rachael continued to rant about my crazy idea, walking over to the edge hesitantly, and looking over. She turned around to me, with a glimmer of hope in her eyes, buried under the thick blanket of fear. "There has to be another wAY-!" Just then, the ground beneath her began to crumble, and I ran towards her, grabbing her by the collar of her shirt. Time stood still, as Rachael took deep breaths, her feet pushing against the rubble, as I held on tightly to her shirt, her arms were outstretched for balance. "(Y/N-!", "Rachael, you have to trust me!" I interrupted her, a pleading look glossing over my eyes. "If you don't, then you'll be stuck her forever, and I know you don't want that." I continued, as she stared at me.

She shifted her feet to get better traction on the ruble, and she continuously looked between me, and down below, contemplating, and weighing out her options. She suddenly closed her eyes, and sighed, looking at me with that look I've been waiting for, trust. "O..okay. Okay I trust you." She said shakily, nodding her head. I nodded back, and tackled her off of the platform in a hug, the only thing that told us we were getting closer, was the blinding light down below getting brighter. We screamed as we phased through the barrier between the void, and the real world. When we made it through, we felt the wind hitting our faces, and we looked down to see Elmore far far below us. We almost drifted away, until we grabbed ahold of each others arms tightly, tears leaving our eyes and, a coping laugh leaving my lips, which was contradicted when I frowned again. "I'm sorry I forgot about you Rachael!" I shouted over the wind, hoping whatever happens, happens fast. "I-it's okay (Y/N)! I know you didn't mean to, I know you tried to remember!" Rachael shouted back, squeezing my forearm, as I nodded in confirmation. We shut our eyes tightly as we witnessed the city of Elmore approaching closer, and closer. "Where do you think your spirits going, (Y/N)!?", "Considering how high we are!? I'd say down!" I responded, opening my eyes, making the both of us laugh. As we hurtled towards earth, I took notice of where we were falling, we were going to fall into a pool. 'Thank youuu!' I said in my head, but the impact would still be too much for the both of us, I didn't have time to think, as we got closer and closer, so I pulled Rachael towards me, and hugged her tightly, my back facing the water.

I only felt the stinging sensation for a second, before being knocked out on impact.

3rd Person p.o.v

Rachael Swam up to the surface of the pool, gasping for air, and swimming towards the edge of the pool to rest. As a coping mechanism to offset the shock, she began laughing out of relief, turning around to see that (Y/N) wasn't there, which concerned her greatly, and she swam away from the edge slowly, gasping as (Y/N) rose to the surface, not breathing. Rachael grabbed (Y/N) by the torso, and dragged them out of the pool, lying (Y/N) on their back. She pressed her ear against (Y/N)'s chest, the heartbeat barely their. Immediately, she reached into (Y/N)'s front pocket, grabbing their phone, and making an emergency call, praying that (Y/N) would hang on.

"Frankly, I like this one better than the other option I had planned, so this'll be the only option, besides, I bet you forgot about her too. I had fun writing this, certain parts of the scene where they fell were inspired by a video game, and a show, that I'll reveal when I put out bloopers, and deleted scenes."

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