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"yoongi! come here!" jimin calls out. yoongi has been struggling, even if it has been for only thirty minutes in the park kingdom.

"yes, jimin?" yoongi asks.

"i wanna hear a story about taehyung ever since he broke up with me! what happened to him?" jimin asks eagerly.

yoongi froze. taehyung has already told yoongi to promise that he'll never tell jimin what happened to him the past few days.

"i-i don't think i can... i promised taehyung to not tell you about his life." yoongi says. jimin scowls.

"but this is an order, yoongi. you can't just disobey me. tell me this instant yoongi." jimin exclaims.

yoongi sighs. "i can't, jimin. i promised taehyung already and he's my best friend. i can't just—"

in a flash, jimin was in front of yoongi, trapping the older against the wall, his arms caging yoongi in between him and the wall.

yoongi's eyes widened. "i—"

"answer me, yoongi." jimin says seductively.

yoongi gulped but then gained composure. "get off of me, you doofus."

jimin didn't move at all. he only smirked at yoongi, leaning closer to yoongi and whispered, "you wanna be punished, baby boy?"

yoongi blushed and that's when he knew he loves being called 'baby boy'. jimin saw how yoongi's eyes widened and the tip of his ears reddening.

"ah~ you're a bottom, aren't you? well, how pleasant. i can make you do anything for me then. how about telling me about taehyung, baby boy?" jimin whispers.

yoongi gulped, he really didn't want to tell jimin about taehyung. he didn't want taehyung to think that yoongi betrayed him.

"no. i-i will not tell you anything about taehyung. i promised him already and i am not a guy who break promises." yoongi says. jimin rolls his eyes.

"baby boy, you have to respect your daddy, do you? why'd you have to disobey daddy like this?" jimin asks. since he's taller than yoongi, he has the advantage of making yoongi feel small and vulnerable.

yoongi whimpered when jimin used the term 'daddy'. "p-please... i don't want to expose taehyung. i promised him already... i don't want to be a bad best friend..."

jimin's eyes softened when yoongi's eyes were filled with tears. "o-oh, baby... i'm sorry, i didn't mean to pressure you... i'm so sorry, baby..."

yoongi sniffled. "h-hug me, please... this is what taehyung does when i cry..."

jimin hugs yoongi tightly and sigh. hugging wasn't something jimin always do. people never really ask jimin for a hug, except for jeongguk, of course.

jimin hummed a song jeongguk used to sing to him when they were little and that made yoongi calm.

yoongi soon pulled away, realizing that he was hugging jimin. "i-i'm sorry... didn't mean to be such a mess... s-should i get a new s-shirt for you? it's wet because of me, sorry..."

jimin smiled. "no, it's fine. why are you so worried about my clothes? it's just a shirt. i can just go buy new ones."

yoongi sniffled. "i appreciate clothes so much these days that i seem to worry when they get dirty or wrinkled..."

jimin cooed. "it's okay, baby. you don't need to be frightened."

yoongi's eyes widened at the pet name. "b-baby? am i your baby now?"

jimin nodded and yoongi blushed. yoongi has always been a fan of pet names, especially when the pet names were those soft ones.

"o-oh... what are you to me then?" yoongi asks.

"what do you want me to be?" jimin asks back.

yoongi mumbled something jimin couldn't make out.

"hm? what is it?" jimin teases.

yoongi blushed hard, "i-i want you to be my daddy, please."

jimin smirked. "oh i will be, baby. you're going to be treated so well..."


"yeay! we're done making these stupid invitations!" taehyung cheered happily, forgetting that his assistant wasn't yoongi.

jeongguk looked at him weirdly. he has never seen taehyung and the boy was giving him mixed feelings. first, he's mean. then second, he's all bubbly.

"what's with the different personality?" jeongguk asks out of curiosity.

taehyung gulped. "n-nothing... i'm still that stubborn prince everyone hates."

jeongguk saw how taehyung's eyes were filled with disappointment and couldn't help but wonder why he was disappointed.

"when is the party?" jeongguk asks, changing the subject.

"tomorrow night. i don't like it at all. i hate parties. the dinner is specifically for the park kingdom but namjoon wants part of the city invited. people hate me enough, so why do i have to send this?" taehyung mumbled, not knowing a lone tear falling down his face.

jeongguk's breath hitched as he watches taehyung crumble slowly.

taehyung sniffled and that's when he realized he's crying, "ah. sorry. something came into my eyes..."

"it's fine. tears falling because of dust or something. it's perfectly normal." jeongguk says awkwardly. but he knows taehyung is lying.

taehyung smiled and jeongguk's heart seemed to stop. taehyung's smile was beautiful. it's so pure as if nothing has broken it.

jeongguk gulped. "i-if i may know, what made people hate you so much?"

"i—uh... well would you look at the time? it's so late! you should go rest now! we can talk tomorrow! bye, see you tomorrow!" taehyung exclaims and pushes jeongguk out of his bedroom, leaving jeongguk confused as hell.

what the hell just happened? jeongguk thinks to himself.


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