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yes, this is nearing the end :(


ever since the incident of taehyung getting kidnapped happened, seokjin had made the castle guarded on every single corner. he didn't want the same thing happening again, and he certainly didn't want taehyung hurt ever again. the said boy was still traumatized being in a room, which is why he kept jeongguk close to him at all times.

jeongguk hasn't left the kim's castle ever since, and they had all decided that it was best for jeongguk to stay with them forever. even if taehyung does miss yoongi, it was best for jeongguk to be here with him; plus, yoongi is dating jimin anyway.

taehyung was being treated like an actual princess and a baby ever since the incident happened, and he wasn't complaining, to be honest. he liked being treated like this, but he also would like some time to be alone; of course, only if he knew that there were guards outside and that all his windows were shut.

he's been slipping into Little space more often lately, and jeongguk was always there to be with him whenever his slips.

and these were one of those days.

"koo!" taehyung calls out cutely. "wan' play wif toys!"

jeongguk smiles lovingly at him, handing him the toys that taehyung loved so dearly. "here you go, my prince." taehyung grabs the toy from him, making sound effects as he plays with it. Little taehyung doesn't know what Big taehyung went, and Big taehyung told jeongguk to not tell Little taehyung about what happened, in case Little taehyung gets too worried.

"koo!" taehyung exclaimed. "why won't you pway wif me?" he gave jeongguk the puppy dog eyes, and jeongguk immediately feels bad.

'i can't believe i have ever thought about breaking his heart.' jeongguk thought to himself before smiling at taehyung.

"i was just thinking, taebear," jeongguk says. "now, let's play."

but, before jeongguk could even step near to taehyung, his phone buzzed.


busan buddy

hey, gguk

how's tae?

he's doing fine

he's in little space

and he just asked me to play with him

play with him...?

😳 👀

not like that!

playing with his toys!

you dirty-minded jerk 😤

have you even asked him to be your official boyfriend, yet?



you're a coward, you know that, right?

stop stalling and just ask!

i'm sure he's going to say yes

awe, just thinking about you makes me soft

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