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im pretty sure the drama starts now


a knock was heard outside of taehyung's bedroom door. it opened and came in seokjin and namjoon.

"taehyung, baby! are you okay? i heard what happened last night! oh my—baby are you okay?" seokjin wailed and hugs taehyung who was still half asleep.

taehyung laughs. "i'm okay, jin hyung. what about you guys? are you okay?"

"tae we're fine! we're both worried about you! you shouldn't be worried about me and seokjinnie!" namjoon exclaims.

seokjin sighs. "are you sure? jeongguk told me that your bruise was huge. are you sure you're fine?"

"yes, i'm fine. nothing's wrong with me. just need some rest and i'll be fine. i can walk." taehyung and managed to stand up with a bit of help from seokjin and namjoon.

seokjin sighs. "i just hope i was with you before. or maybe jeongguk. he was supposed to be with you but i saw him walking away with jimin!"

taehyung's chest hurts as he heard jimin's name. it still brought pain to him whenever he hears something that reminds him of jimin

"s-sorry. i shouldn't have mentioned his name." seokjin muttered.

"that's fine... i still need to get over the fact that..." taehyung's voice trailed off, not wanting to remember the reason why he 'cheated' on jimin.

"can i see jeongguk, please? it feels like i haven't say thank you to him yet." taehyung asks and seokjin nodded.

"of course. should i bring him here or—"

"i'll walk to him. it's fine. we're next to each other anyway." taehyung says and started limping to jeongguk's room, seokjin and namjoon hesitatingly walk away.

as taehyung opened the door, he heard muffled voices.

"chim the plan is still going on, right?" he hears jeongguk ask. taehyung's eyebrow furrowed.

plan? what plan? what is he talking about? taehyung thinks to himself.

"of course i do! i don't love him like that! i did not grow soft for him," jeongguk giggles. "yeah you should go. i hear yoongi yelling for you. bye."

taehyung then enters the bedroom, surprising jeongguk by his appearance.

"taehyung! hi! what brings you here?" jeongguk asks nervously.

taehyung forgot about thanking jeongguk as his mind was filled with jeongguk's talk with jimin. "what were you talking about with jimin?"

he can see jeongguk gulp. "nothing! nothing at all! we were just talking about... my life here!"

"i heard 'plan'. what plan are you and jimin up to?" taehyung asks.

"there's no plan! you must've heard it wrong! i did not say plan! not at all!" jeongguk rambles, making taehyung confused.

"i—uhm... you don't need to panic! i was just asking a simple question!" taehyung says and pats jeongguk's shoulder awkwardly.

the pair stood in silence; jeongguk shuffles around and taehyung looks at his feet boringly.

"why are you here?" jeongguk decides to break the silence.

"i came here to thank you. but i saw you were busy so i stayed outside and waited," taehyung answers. "thank you for treating me. you know very well about those kinds of stuff? where did you learn it?"

"my mom taught me when i was little. she was also a nurse." jeongguk answers. taehyung nodded and went back to being silent.

taehyung's heart was beating very fast and he didn't know why...


"yoongi! why are you screaming so loud?" jimin yells back as he couldn't find the boy.

"i—uhm... your cats are making me—" yoongi sneezes. "—sneeze! can you take him away?"

jimin giggles as he sees yoongi sniffling. "you're allergic to cats? why didn't you tell me? if you told me, then i would've let you know that the place was specifically for cats."

yoongi groaned as he sniffled. "s-show me the way out of this place. i feel like i'm going to die in here."

jimin giggles once again before taking yoongi's hand in his and leading the poor boy out. yoongi blushed from the action but kept quiet anyway.

jimin lead yoongi back to his bedroom, closing the door behind them.

"wanna know each other better? i feel like we're going to be with each other for a long time so why not?" jimin suggested and yoongi nodded hesitantly.

jimin hummed. "i start first! how long have you been working for taehyung?"

"oh—i was actually not working for him? i've been his best friend for about... eight years? he's like a little brother to me. i just became his personal assistant because he trusts me the most. he has trust issues, if you didn't know." yoongi explains briefly, making jimin surprised at the news.

eight years? that's a long time... jimin thought to himself.

"anyway, my turn. how long have you been dating taehyung and how was it?" yoongi asks.

"well... dating taehyung was something i loved a lot. something that can make my heart flutter. i just can't believe that he decides to cheat on me..." jimin mumbles sadly. yoongi's heart clenched and hugged jimin tightly.

"you're going to find someone much better than him one day. maybe someone who can treat you much better than he did," yoongi says softly.


"kim taehyung! come back here this instant! i know you took my hoodie!" jeongguk yells as he ran after taehyung who stole his favorite hoodie.

taehyung giggles loudly. "hihi! i'm not giving it back! i like this hoodie!"

jeongguk groaned. that was his favorite hoodie but seeing that taehyung used it when he ran made jeongguk's heart flutter.

"fine! i have much more anyway—"

"give me everything! i've always wanted hoodies!" taehyung suddenly exclaims loudly at jeongguk.

"no. i'm not giving you the hoodies that i care a lot. maybe i'll give you the old hoodies that i don't like anymore." jeongguk mumbles.

"YEAY! make sure it smells like you!" taehyung says and walks—well, runs away.

smells like me? what's wrong with his own smell? jeongguk thought to himself. he shrugs and walked back to his own room.

maybe staying with taehyung isn't as bad as i though it will be... jeongguk thinks as he smiles to himself.


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