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yoongi is the definition of a bad friend


"yoongi? where are you?" jimin yells through the halls of the castle.

"i'm right here! i'm watering your plants. they seem like they are dying." yoongi exclaims and jimin laughed.

"i don't need you to water my plants. i have a gardener you know." jimin says and yoongi blushed.

"i just thought that m-maybe you n-needed someone to care for th-the plants when your gardener is gone or something..." yoongi says shyly. jimin ruffled the younger's hair making yoongi pout.

"that's fine. they were going to die anyway. i can buy new ones." jimin says softly.

yoongi knew that jimin liked him as a friend only. not more. so that's why every day he always prepares himself to get his heart hurt.

"hey... why do you look so down?" jimin asks making yoongi snap out of his daze.

"n-nothing... i'm just thinking about personal stuff. that's all." yoongi lied. jimin smiled at him and slung his arm over yoongi's shoulder.

"you should help me. i need to create a stupid artwork for my parents and they trust me the most," jimin sighs. "they think i'm the most creative for artwork."

"i can only create music. i can't paint," yoongi says and jimin's eyes lit up.

"yes! make music! i can present to my parents something else! yes! i don't need to paint again!" jimin says cutely.

yoongi admired jimin. he smiled as he sees jimin's eye smile. yoongi loves it when jimin smiles because it feels as if his pain and worries all fade away when he smiles.

he soon breaks from his thoughts. "can i ask you something?"

jimin nodded. "sure! what is it?"

"why did you decide to switch jeongguk with me? i mean, you could've chosen another person," yoongi asks and jimin's face paled.

"i—uhm... i sent jeongguk there because... i wanted t-to get revenge on taehyung..." yoongi's eyes widened. "i-i wanted jeongguk to go there so that he can get taehyung's heart a-and break it after..."


jimin stayed silent.

"y-you can't just—oh my god... i need to tell taehyung! jimin for fuck sake! why—"

"i-i just wanted to make him feel what i felt!"

"but he's been through a lot, jimin!" yoongi groaned. "but i can't tell you those things because i promised to not tell you that! jimin, he's my best friend! i can't lose him because of another heartbreak!"

jimin looked conflicted. "i-i'm sorry! b-but, please don't stop this. i-i really want him to feel what i feel. i know it s-seems a little mean but please..."

yoongi bit his lip. it was between his crush or best friend. he surely had to pick his best friend but his mind says otherwise.

"fine. i won't tell. but if taehyung gets really hurt after that, i swear park, i will kill you." yoongi says and jimin nods.


taehyung hums as he stays in front of jeongguk's bedroom. he was contemplating if he should ask jeongguk for more hoodies but he's been standing outside of his bedroom for more than ten minutes.

but then, he hears a voice.

"hello? jimin? yeah, what's wrong?" he hears jeongguk ask, then he hears a gasp.

"what?! yoongi knows? what the fuck? how? isn't he going to tell—" jeongguk stopped talking.

"he's not telling? oh thank god... i thought he was going to tell. then what are we going to do about it? is the plan still going on?" jeongguk asks in the phone and taehyung pressed his ear nearer to the door.

"oh, it's still going on? okay... i won't fail this i promise! i won't love someone like him!" jeongguk exclaims and taehyung was curious about who they're talking about.

taehyung suddenly had the urge to knock on the door as quick as possible, not wanting to eavesdrop on jeongguk's conversation anymore.

"i need to go, hyung. see you... soon." jeongguk says and ended the call. he opened the door and smiled.

"taehyung! hi! what brings you here?" jeongguk faked his innocence.

taehyung, on the other hand, was extremely nervous and he didn't know why. "i—uhm—wanted to know if i can h-have more hoodies?"

jeongguk giggled, "of course! lemme just grab them for you. you can come inside!"

taehyung stepped inside and sat down on jeongguk's bed. everything in this room smelled like jeongguk and taehyung feels... safe.

jeongguk soon appeared in front of taehyung and gave taehyung the hoodies that he didn't use anymore.

"here you go! i don't use these anymore and i'm guessing these will fit you?" jeongguk says and taehyung nods.

"i-if i may know... what were you talking about with jimin?" jeongguk stiffened. "i heard y-yoongi's name too and i thought it might be something about me?"

jeongguk shook his head. "no! of course not! it's something else. something personal between me and jimin. no need to be afraid."

taehyung looked at jeongguk. he feels as if he's falling in love again—

no. i can't fall in love again. i don't want jeongguk hurt because of him again... taehyung thinks as he bit his lip.

who do you all think him is? leave a comment if you think you have a person in mind!

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