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"minhyuk, what are you doing here?" yoongi asks, already standing up, and jeongguk did too.

"what? am i not allowed to join this little reunion?" minhyuk asks with a small smirk. "i'm here to talk to taehyung, that's all."

"and i'm not allowing that." jeongguk intervened, stepping in front of taehyung.

"oh, you're that guy who interrupted me and taehyung talking, right?" minhyuk asks, pointing at jeongguk. "such a waste of time. i just wanted to talk to taehyung. it's not like i'm going to do something bad to him."

"no, don't you ever come near him." yoongi sternly says. minhyuk's smirk widens.

"you're seriously trying to defend him from me? in that tiny and weak body of yours?" minhyuk teases, and jimin fumes.

"hey, no one talks about my boyfriend like that," jimin says, anger laced in his voice. "he's not weak, he's actually strong."

"taehyung, are you serious? you dumped me just so you can date another midget? this guy? your standards have lowered ever since you left me." minhyuk stated, yet taehyung kept quiet. he didn't know what to answer because he was afraid.

"i think it's best for you to leave before i actually punch some common sense in you." jeongguk seethed. taehyung quickly placed his arm on jeongguk's, telling him to calm down in a small voice.

"come on, am i really not allowed to talk to taehyung?" minhyuk asks, getting annoyed as the seconds passed.

"no." they all said in unison.

"fine," minhyuk says, shrugging his shoulders. "i guess i will another time."

minhyuk leaves and slams the door shut.

taehyung lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding the entire time. he was still tightly holding jeongguk's hand tightly, and the older places another hand on top of taehyung's.

"h-how did he know i was here? i don't have his contact anymore, and it's weird." taehyung asks, a bit weirded out by how minhyuk knows that taehyung is here.

"do you know if he has a tracker in your phone?" jimin asks, and taehyung shook his head.

"i don't know," taehyung replies. "i've never had any suspicious-looking apps."

"i remember seeing a weather app in your phone, tae. aren't phones supposed to have only one weather app? you had two." jeongguk said, and taehyung's eyes widened.

"s-seriously? i don't remember downloading two weather apps." taehyung said before pulling his phone out to check.

and it was true.

there was a hidden weather app on taehyung's phone. it doesn't look suspicious at all, but it did have access to taehyung's messages, tracking where he is, and all the photos he has.

(a/n: inspired by class of lies !! that k-drama is amazing, go watch it!)

"so this is how he knows where you are," jeongguk said, taking taehyung's phone and deleting the app immediately. he returns taehyung's phone.

"you need to be more careful now, tae. minhyuk can appear anytime and he might hurt you," jimin says. "you should stick with jeongguk all the time, okay? i don't want you hurt, especially yoongles."

taehyung couldn't help but laugh. "yoongles?"

"i told him to stop calling me that!" yoongi whined, slapping jimin's arm. jimin stuck his tongue out.

"i call yoongi another nickname, too! i call him yoonie!" taehyung exclaimed happily, completely forgetting about minhyuk.

"taehyung, can we get back to the minhyuk topic? i know you probably don't want to talk about him, but we need to do something before something bad happens to you." jimin insisted, making taehyung nod.

"since we know minhyuk now doesn't have any way of seeing where taehyung is, we all still know that he's going to try and come back in the castle, just like what he did." jeongguk says, and yoongi's eyes widened.

"he came back to the castle?" yoongi asks, and jeongguk nods. "d-did he do anything to taehyung?"

"no, hyung," taehyung answered. "he was just standing in the corner of the room and was just trying to talk to me. before he got to do something to me, jeongguk came in right on time and made him leave."

yoongi bit his bottom lip. "what are we going to do? minhyuk can come back anytime and if jeongguk isn't there with taehyung, what will happen?"


"boss, did our plan failed?" one of a worker asks, standing in front of his boss.

"it clearly did!" his boss replied. "because of this stupid jeon, i can't take taehyung with me and keep him here. we need a better plan for this."

"i'm sorry that my plan failed, boss," the worker said. "i will promise to think of a better plan for you."

"no," his boss sternly says. "don't. i have a good plan, and i know this will work."

"of course," the worker says. "your plan always works, sir minhyuk."


this is like a filler, im sorry :( oh, and please reply, should i put this book on-hold until i have all the chapters finished? or should i just publish the chapters every time it's finished?

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