before you read

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Min at it again with another book cuz ya girl is depressed and needs to keep her mind busy somehow ✌✌✌✌✌

So anyways warning on this book!

1. Gay shit yo
My shit? Gay. Me? Gay. My ships? Gay. Don't wanna read Yoonkook? Then leave. If ur uncomfortable then please exit.

2. Look, i was around for many many babies... But i don't remember some shit about raising them. So excuse some mistakes.

3. A bitch makes typos. Leave me alone 😩

4.don't be a bitch
If ur gonna be a bitch i will:
1. Ask you to delete ur comment
2. If its really mean, i will automatically delete your comment
3. If you do not cooperate, i will delete AND report


Lets get this bread.

Edit; there is kidnapping n child abuse
Edit #2: please do not sexualize the kids and/or what they say. I see a lot of people doing it even after I put this up. Yes, the say daddy BUT ITS BECAUSE THEYRE FUCKING KIDS. Just because you see other readers sexualizing them- it's not okay for you to do that too. They're kids. Fuck off.

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