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"Daddy~" Minjae softly hit both of his cheeks in his hands, laying ontop of his sleeping daddy. His sister was in Yoongi's arms, swaddled awkwardly into a smaller pink blanket.

She didnt like pink, tolerated it due to department store declaring it as the representative of a gender and dying every peice of clothing it. But when she picked out clothes, she always went for the clothes her uncles got her. Her favorite color was yellow. Pastel Yellow reminded her of her twin and the softest, most mellow of yellows reminded her of her father.

But this- this blanket was special. Her mother had gifted it to her before moving across seas. Her mother used to visit maybe one or twice a month.

Not anymore.

Yoongi didn't know that she remembered her mother. She hadn't moved over seas, but rather to the next town. He couldn't bare tell his kids mommy didn't want them. She left once her breast milk did, disappearing only a month after their first birthday.

They were on solid foods, but he still snuck it into their baby cereals and such just so that they had that nutrients boost.

Minjae on the other hand, despised his blanket. He knew his mom didn't want them. He could tell because his daddy carried him differently than she did. Daddy was all hug and cuddles, kisses to the head, support their back and heads kind of hold. She? She was let me move you here.

He used his blanket as a rug.

The baby blue dressed the floor in the living room on the foam matting whenever he ate, the blanket staining over months. Yoongi knew his son wasn't fond of their mother, not like his sister.

Minjae sighed, seeing no reaction from either one. He got down, waddling his way to the kitchen where he opened the fridge and got his hands on the yogurt drink that Yoongi stored on the lowest shelf so that he didn't have to bend everytime his kids wanted one and the kids could just grab it. He took 3, carrying them into the room. He stacked them on the bed and he crawled ontop of Yoongi, pushing the cold drinks to his dad's face.

"Wake up~" he sang, giggling when his dad groans.

"Minjae-ah. It's daddy's day off. Lets go back to sleep, hm?" He tries to pursuade with closed eyes. He was tired, Minseo had a tummy ache last night and stayed up worring.

She just had gas.

He had laid her on his lap, pillow underher head, rubbing her tummy and applying light pressure for almost an hour last night till she feel asleep... And then more.

"Okay." Minseo simply says, he wasn't one to talk a lot. He only said what needed to be said or to gather information that he desired. He peirced the foil of the yogurt with his teeth and peeled it open. He had the remote in his hand, turning on the tv. A nature documentary popped up and he sat in silence as he drank all 3 of the drinks.

"Daddy- bathroom." He pats Yoongi's face in a hurry. Yoongi was in the middle of potty training them and in that moment, he regretted his decision.

"One or two?" He mumbled, figuring that he could just pee in his pull ups or the training potty by him self.

"Two!" He says, sounding like something cross of a squeal and a whine. All Yoongi knows was that he needed to shit and it was urgent. He darted up, carring his son to the bathroom and plopping him on the training toilet cover.

He sits on the tub edge, head hanging as he holds Minjae's hand which squeezes his finger.

"Hurt," he cries out his other hand finding his tummy. The child started gagging a bit, and Yoongi knew what that meant. He went to grab the trashcan, putting it up high enough for Minjae to barf in it the same time as he released from the other end.

Minseo had started crying from the bed that her tummy hurt, really really bad.

Yoongi closed his eyes as Minjae went for a second round of throwing up. Both his babys were sick and there's only one of him.


"Hyung, where you going?" Jungkook asks, seeing his brother stuff clothes into a backpack. Jungkook had spent the night due to his roommate bringing a fling home. Into his bed.

"Ah, the minmin twins are both sick. Yoongi can't leave so he asked me to pick up medicine and make my special soup-"

"-the one you always make sick people?"

"Thats the one." He nodded, distracted as he packs yet another set of clothes

"What do they have? Why are you packing so much?" Jungkook was concerned, he didn't want to be in his hyungs place alone. He couldn't care less for the family.

"Minseo- the girl- has gas pains. She gets them every now and them but they're incredibly painful. She'll cry for hours on end, throwing up and she- she's just hurting. I'm under their emergency contacts so i have to pick up her prescription. Minjae- the boy- can't have that much dairy. But, he decided to drink three yogurt drinks and now he's throwing up and shitting himself. Hes in pain too, theres not much to do but comfort him and let it subside." He says as he looks in his fridge, stuffing what ingrediants he can in the bag.

"How long will you be gone?" Jungkook inquires, looking at his full bag.

"I'll be back tonight, most likely. If its really bad then sometime tomorrow."

"Why's you pack so many clothes then?" He asks, unsure if he wanted the answer.

"They're sick children, Jungkook. There's only so much a diaper or stomach can hold." He simply puts it, making Jungkook gag.

"I don't know how you do it. I hate kids." He scrunches his nose "and that sounds like hell."

"Yeah? Well, you'll get there someday." Jin rolls his eyes, checking if he has everything and then cursing when he realizes he doesn't have his wallet or phone.

"Can't their mom help Yoongi-ssi to care for them?" Jungkook whined and Jin froze, turning around to face Jungkook.

"They're mom left them after birth, Jungkook. She was going to get an abortion but Yoongi convinced her not to and cared for them their whole life. Don't mention their mom infront of them, okay?" Jin says seriously before going back to the room to grab his things.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, confused on this new information. He was crazy, caring for two babies on his own. By choice. Their mother didn't even want them, but he stepped up and said that he'll take them.

He could never imagine being in that spot with the lifestyle he had now. He would be with the twins mother on this one. He was young and had his whole life to live. Kids just weren't an option.

"I'm leaving. Call me if you need any thing." Jin bids him farewell and leaves the apartment to Jungkook and his thoughts.

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