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As soon as Jungkook is released, they begin their move.

They wanted their lives to change.

The trauma had affected the kids. They were afraid of everyone other than their loved ones and hated going outside.

Yoongi has begun his life as a stay at home dad. He tended to the kids and their fits, calming nightmares that they had.

He really tried to fix what had been broken.

Especially since his and Jungkook's wedding was coming up. They decided to have it sooner. They didn't want to spend another moment unbounded to each other.

Till death do they part.

With the help of their friends and families (Jungkook's parents offered to pay) they had everything set. It wasn't a big ceremony. It was small, in their backyard.

After the set up and a rather disappointing meeting with Yoongi's parents, they were set.

Minseo was Yoongi's best girl, and Minjae was Jungkook's Best man.

Namjoon was ring barer and Jimin was the flower boy (his request). Jin and Hoseok stood proudly by each of the grooms.

Taehyung proudly watched from the front of the aisles.

Hell, he even caught the bouquet that Jungkook and Yoongi threw.

They cut the cake together and had their pictures. They both danced with Jungkook's parents. They both danced with each of the twins. 

That night they laid in bed, and Jungkook stayed watch over all of them. One by one he checked if they were asleep.

He started with Minseo, kissing her forehead and holding her tightly against his chest. He rocked her like he did the first night he held her.

"I love you forever, bumble heart." He whispers and moves to Minjae.

"Ah, my smart boy. Never be afraid." He whispers in his ear and hugs him, giving him gentle kisses.

He laid them down and they clung to each other like magnets.

"Watch over your dad. Be there for him as you are there for each other." He says gently before moving on.

He goes back to Yoongi's room. He crawls into bed and holds him close. He watches his sleeping face. How soft and peaceful he looked.

He can feel it in his bones. The ache to stay in the home that he created with his one and only.

He holds back his tears.

I will NOT cry during our goodbye.

He gently pressed his lips against Yoongi's , sobbing at his warmth. The familiar love that rushes through him the sigh of home that he exhales after a kiss.

He's going to miss him.

He gets up and and moves toward the front door. He gives one last look at the new home.

And he goes into the light.

The end.

Sorry, I just really didn't know how to end this book :/

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