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"102.4 degress." Yoongi whispers as he watches the young male (who refuses to put a shirt on, may I add) sweat and shiver in his bed.

"I'm fine, hyung." He groans out and Yoongi shakes his head as he pushes him back into bed.

"You're not." He states as he goes through a drawer at his bedside that contained adult medicine. He scanned over each one before popping a couple pills from their foil.

"Here." He gives them to Jungkook, along with his water.

"I'll make porridge. When it's time to eat, i expect you to eat. We're also gonna talk when you're better." Yoongi orders and Jungkook gives him an amused look through his sickness.

"So demanding. I like it." He purs but ends up coughing.

"Loosing a lung isn't a good flirting tactic." Yoongi muses and leans against the door frame, looking at the recovering male.

"It just shows how much you take my breath away."

Yoongi bursts out laughing at that one. Right on cue, the younger starts hacking a lung up. However, he did feel pleased with the reaction.

"See? Breathtaking." Jungkook says through coughs.

"Shut up, Sicko. I'm leaving." Yoongi shuts the door and gently leans against it with a smile. The hum of the air purifier and humidifier was calming and matches the scratch of colored pencils on paper.

"What are my babies doing?" He asks as he walks over to the twins who colored at the table.

"Making card." Minjae mumbles as he focuses on getting that perfect color that captured his love into the heart he was coloring.

Yoongi made his way closer and looked at the paper. He smiles at the poorly drawn Jungkook, twins and himself on the paper.

"Can you write on mine?" Minseo asks as she slides a pen and her drawing closer to her father's hand.

"Of course, sweetie. What do you want it to say?"

"I hope you get better soon! We love you so so so so much! You have to get better soon so t-that we can eat together again!" She giggles as she watched her father write it onto her yellow construction paper.

"My turn." Minjae passes his paper to Yoongi who waits for Minjae's words.

"You. Me. Beyblades. Get better."

"So cold." Yoongi tsks but smiles as it reminds him of himself. He smiles when he sees the beyblade in his drawing, and how him and Jungkook were playing.

"Why don't you two draw more for Uncle while I go cook some porrige." He suggests and Minjae perks up at the mention on food.

"Can we have shrimp?"

"In the porrige or on the side?" He asks as he pulls out the sea food.

"Both." Minseo spoke up this time. She liked it on the side but Minjae liked it in the porrige.

"Got it." He nods and begins eating.


"I can feed myself, hyung." Jungkook grumpily says but Yoongi.stuffs a spoonful of porrige in his mouth.

"You need your energy... Now, why don't you tell me why you dont want ur hyung knowing you're sick." He asks softly. He recalls the way Jungkook so desperately clung onto him with tears in his eyes. He begged him not to call his family.

"It's nothing big, hyung." Jungkook tries to dismiss it. A little bit of porrige gathered at the corner of his lips, making Yoongi scoop it onto his spoon like he did with the twins about a year ago. The action made Jungkook blush slightly and took another spoonful into his mouth while looking in the other direction.

"Then it's no big deal that i call them." Yoongi threatens with a soft voice. He was concerned for the younger. He wouldn't barge into any family business but he wanted to know if the younger was safe and well.

"Don't." The firm request made Yoongi's lips twitch in triumph.

"Tell me. I won't bring it up to Jin-hyung. I just want to make sure you're okay and have someone to lean on, you know?" He focused on feeding the younger before adding a quiet, "I'm concerned for you."

Jungkook was quiet for a bit, useless nerves raddled inside him but he sighed and gave in. This was Yoongi Hyung. What is he gonna do?

"I just... I don't like to let them know i struggle. I was kicked out when i graduated high school, tried balancing college and work. I was paying for my own things and I'm in debt from a loan I had to get because my parents only supported my general ed. I paid for my dance major." He took a sip if drink before continuing

"I fainted a few times... I only get an earful of 'you're a failure' everytime my family comes around. I don't want hyung knowing because he'll worry and take a few days off. He needs money, he can't be doing that." He sighs and stressfully tugs at his hair.

"I don't want them to know where I'm at." He closed his eyes in frustration, "I don't want them to know about my life because the moment they comment about it, the moment i feel the need to start over and give up."

"Hey." Yoongi rested a hand on his knee and looked at him in the eyes, "You're doing a wonderful job. Mistakes are just part of growing up. Some are bigger than others. That's just propelling you into maturity and adult life. I mean, you see those kids?" Yoongi pointed to the kids that colored at the dining table. Jungkook could see them clearly through the door frame.

"My ex girlfriend swore that they were the biggest mistake in her life, but they helped me survive." Yoongi gives Jungkook a small smile.

"You shared, now it's my turn." He lightly jokes but sighs as to prepare for the story.

"When my studying-to-be-a-lawyer girlfriend found out she was pregnant, I was a dead-beat-didn't-have-a-dream boyfriend. I was just doing my general and had no plan in life." He takes a moment before saying his words softly, choosing them carefully as he went.

"I was the kid everyone thought wouldn't pass past the age of 25. No matter the death. Some believed alcohal would do it, some thought i would take my own life. Those were the top two opinions... They weren't wrong. I thought the same. I felt useless and hopeless." He grimaces at the old feelings.

"But, those two came along and I knew I had to do something."

"Why music?" Jungkook asked. It was a question he thought about a lot. Right below is he gay? Is why did he choose music when he has two kids to raise?

"Because... Because, the whole reason I picked myself up was because of my kids. The moment I heard their heart beat, it was like music. The sweetest music I've ever heard... It made my heart beat once more and it put me into this state of joy and love... So, it was only natural for me to choose music. They're my muse."

And right there.

Jungkook knew as he stared at the boy with soft eyes and rough knuckles. The boy who seemed so tired but looked at his kids like he held the energy of a thousand suns. The man who does everything to passionately. The boy who stared off into space with memories playing behind his irises and a bitter smile.

He fell in love.

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