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"Jungkook, can I talk to you in the room?" Yoongi asks as he gently closes the door. It was late. He's been driving around town trying to clear his mind. But it wasn't working. His mind still buzzed with worry and the taste of Taehyung's bitter tears never left his tongue.

"Hyung, where have you been? The kids And I have been worried sick." He hisses, marching toward Yoongi in the dark hallway. When he flips on the lights, his anger immediately drains.

Yoongi looked like he's been to hell and back. He smelt like smoke and bitterness.

"Have you- have you been smoking?" He asks with wide eyes, surprised. Yoongi stiffens and gives a small nod.

"Please... Can we go talk in the bedroom?" He breathes out but Jungkook shakes his head, his anger slightly rising.

"No. Go shower and brush your teeth. Give me your clothes, I'm washing them. I am not allowing the kids to breath this in-" he's interrupted by a small sob. He freezes and gulps and he turns Yoongi, who has his eyes shut closed. The squeezed, delicate skin slipped tears as Yoongi cried.

It shocked Jungkook who stared at him for a moment and then sighed.

"I don't know what's going on, but I know you're more than disappearing, smoking and not calling home." He whispers and kisses his forehead. "Go shower."

He follows Yoongi into the bathroom to take his clothes and throw it in the washer. He comes back and strips himself of clothes and gets in the shower with him.

Yoongi slowly turned toward him, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his cheek on his shoulder.

"Brush your teeth?"


"Now, what made you go out and smoke?" He whispers, pushing the hair away from Yoongi's face. He kisses the red, swollen cheek.

"I visited Taehyung." He hoarsely whispers and Jungkook nods.

"As we discussed, yes. How is he?" He sways then and rubs his back.

"Well, he confesses that he was in love with me. I apologized for never noticing, but he said it was his fault. He never seriously told me. He's happy that I have you. And we did a whole thing for closure."

"That's good..."

"But, baby... You have to promise not to get mad." He whispers and Jungkook looks down at him. He was nervous. What happened?


"We kissed-"


"Not like... a serious one? It was like for closure type of thing! It didn't last long and- he was crying. And-" Yoongi started to tears up and get huffy. Before Jungkook could calm him he burrows his face into Jungkook's skin and cries as he talks, taking gasps of air between groups of words.

"He's so broken! And scared! He was sorry, and kept saying it was his fault. Jungkook, that wasn't the Taehyung I knew! He looked so empty... like he was a shell. He's scared... so so scared." He huffs and breaks down in Jungkook's arm.

Jungkook wasn't the happiest about the news, but by the looks of Yoongi, he may have needed it.

"Poor Tae..." he whispered and Yoongi nods.

"You should have seen him! He's destroyed, Jungkook!" He wails and Jungkook can't help but to bite his lips to make himself not laugh.

"Alright, alright. Is there anything we can do to make it better?" He whispers and Yoongi shakes his head.

"This is something he has to do alone." He whispers and Jungkook nods and leans down to kiss him.

"Is that what made you become Mr. I smoke and look like a typical broken bad boy from all the fanfics and movies?'

"What description was that?" He laughs as he spaces himself and Jungkook. The humidity was becoming too much for him to be clinging onto Jungkook like that.

"You know it's true." Jungkook smiles and Yoongi chuckles but shrugs.

"I couldn't stop crying... I guess all the stress and worry got to me." He says and Jungkook nods, squirting shampoo onto his palm as he watches Yoongi wet his entire body.

"Did you smoke before?"

"Avid smoker since junior year of
High school till I had the kids."

"Which was...?"

"Till I found out I was having kids." He sighs and Jungkook's massages the shampoo into his hair.

"You stopped for them?"

"Everything I Do is for them." He whispers and Jungkook smiles.

He loves whenever Yoongi talks about the kids. He adores it. He loves the man in front of him so much and the tiredness on his face makes his heart ache.

"Babe, lets go cake tasting tomorrow." He hums and Yoongi looks up the best he can with Jungkook's fingers still foaming his hair.

"Cake testing?"

"Yeah. Let's just... forget about everything and let's focus on us. We'll bring that stroller the kids like so they're more relaxed and everything. We can go cake testing and the day after lets get tux and the day after, let's get married."

"Married?" Yoongi gasps and Jungkook nods.

"By court. Then we can do all that fancy shmancy stuff latter. I wanna be married." He chuckles and Yoongi bites his lips.

He doesn't know if it's the stress that's finally gotten to him but he says-

"Let's just get married tomorrow."

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