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"Oh, it's beautiful." Yujun gasps as she opens the present. Yoongi and Jungkook dragged the kids to Yujun's apartment to bring her food and a present since her pregnancy began getting worse. She was swollen and nauseous. She simply asked to get supply her some McDonald's.

But, Yoongi wasn't that simple.

He had a full on pregnancy basket and groceries (and her McDonald's) along with headphones and shows to keep the kids quiet as he and Jungkook cooks her dinner.

Yujun was currently admiring the painting that Jungkook had done. It was of the baby's ultrasound. It was just like the latest one, but instead of the dark wash, he had painted it with all shades of pink. It was breath taking.

"Took him days." Yoongi's eyes shined with pride and Jungkook blushes.

"M' wanted it perfect." He mutters and both Yujun and Yoongi peck his ever red cheeks.

"I did one too!" Minseo cheered and pointed at the large box that the canvas came in. She looked at her with a small smile and dug out a beautifully painted flat canvas.

"It's so beautiful!" She gasps as she spots looks at the painting. It was obviously supposed to be her. Her long hair and arms caressing a baby bump. It was a beautiful image.

"Papa helped me! I told him what I wanted a-and I sat on his lap and he control my hand with the brush." She explains with an excited smile.

"It's gorgeous." She picks Minseo up and hugs her. The little one gives Yujun a small kiss and when she's put down, she kisses the baby bump.

"Sissy will like." She whispers before running away. Yujun watches her with fond eyes, tearing up a little.

"Sweet heart..." Yoongi hugs her and she allows herself to cry. It was a soft cry, a happy one. Jungkook has his hands on both their lower backs and kisses both their cheeks.

"You ok, Yujun?" He whispers and she nods, wiping her tears.

"I'm just happy." She grins.

Within that hour, she's laying back in bed and Jungkook and Yoongi and cooking bugeoguk. (A/n Im making it tonight haH)

"Can I help?" Minjae peeks over the counter and Jungkook chuckles.

"There's not much to do. You can set the table, babe." He goes and pulls out some sets and shows Minjae how to properly set up a dinner set. He chuckles and gives him a kiss as he goes back into the kitchen to set Banchan onto small serving bowls.

"What's the kids doing?" Yoongi asks as he stirs the soup.

"Uh, Minseo knocked out on the couch and Minjae offered to set the table." He informs and Yoongi nods before taking a small sip and bringing it to Jungkook's lips. He nods as he confirms that it's ready.

"Mm, what a man." Jungkook flirts and Yoongi laughs and shuts him up with a kiss.

"Yeah, you're lucky I cook cause you barely can." He teases and Jungkook looks shocked.

"I'm learning! You have to admit though, I've been getting better." He peers at him with expecting eyes.

"Only because you cook 3 times a week, and one of those nights you use to get take out." Yoongi rolls his eyes as he begins to take the Banchan to the table. Jungkook followed suit.

"I'm stick getting better."

"Yes, you're right. You can actually season meat correctly now." Yoongi continue to teases but Jungkook smashes his lips messily onto his.

"Stop teasing me. I'm doing good."  He mutters and Yoongi giggles.

"Alright, alright." He smiles. He puts the food on the table and compliments the Minjae on the table.

"You wake up Minseo and I'll wake Yujun?" Jungkook whispers and Yoongi nods, stalking off to gently wake his daughter up.

Jungkook quietly opens the door to see Yujun sitting in her bed with a pained face.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks in panic, eyes scanning over her to make sure she's okay.

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm fine. I called the doctors and said that sometimes pregnant women get pains. It's normal." She gives a tired smile. "Dinner's ready?" She looks up at him, her face pale and sweaty. Jungkook was very concerned.

"Y-Yeah. Let me carry you there..." He slowly says and she nods, much weaker than earlier.

"T-thanks..." she lifts her arms and Jungkook supports her body, frowning at the feeling of wet.

He lifts her and the color drains from his face.

She groans as she feels another cramp, her face digging into his neck. She was shaking.

"Y-y-YOONGI!" The urgency in his voice makes Yoongi March over I'm concern.

"Babe, what- oh." He takes in her state and nods.

"I'll start the car. Grab her hospital bag, I'll get the kids."

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