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Yoongi waited in his room with Jin and Yujun. The little lady had hurried her way there upon hearing the news to check if they were okay. She knew she wasn't Jungkook's favorite but she cared.

Jin was with them at the time of the stabbing and stayed behind to make sure his little brother was okay and his best friend would be supported in this. He had given the kids to Hoseok and his wife to take care of with Yoongi's consent.

Yoongi was anxiously waiting, flicking between TV channels.

"Distract me." He grunts as he throws the remote further down the bed with a pouty frown.

"Okay, well... For starters, why is Yujun here?"

"Nice to see you again, Jin Oppa."

"Don't Oppa me. We're not that close." He throws a look at the equally as feisty girl. Yoongi sighs and looks at the both of them.

"It's so weird that we all could have known each other so much sooner if Jin just introduced me to Jungkook sooner." Yoongi lightly says and Yujun nods.

"Then maybe I wouldn't be pregnant."

"Pregnant?" Jin question with a high voice as he looks at her. "What do you mean..." his facial expressions slowly turn angrier as he pieces it together.

"You're not here cause you're his friend... You're here because he got you pregnant." He whispers as he slowly turns red. Yoongi watches with a pending wince.

"How could you two be so idiotic! How are you, Yoongi?! Aren't you furious!"

"It's not ideal, but there nothing we can do, Hyung." He softly says, "She's too far along and she doesn't know what to do. I can't let her be lost with a child."

"I'm here for Yoongi and Jungkook. We may not have the best past but they're supporting me a lot, right now. As far as I'm concerned, they're parents to this baby too and I can't be anymore more thankful. I want to help in any way I can!" Yujun speaks up and looks at Jin.

"I know... I know I didn't treat him well, but he has a wonderful family now. I won't try to break it." She whispers almost as if she was promising his safety.

"I can't be angry, because I know how hard it was For Yoongi and the wench. Just-" he sighs and rubs his hands over his face. "Do my parents know?"

"No clue. They're pretty happy to have the little ones. Your dad even plays with them." Yoongi smiles, recalling the way Jungkook grimaced at his dad making cutesy voices at the kids that morning.

"Jesus, your kids are miracles workers." He sighs and rubs his forehead.

"Speaking of which, I love that your being supportive and all, Yujun. But, if you don't want to see their parents, I'd get a going. They'll be here in moments." He says after checking his phone. The girls jumped up and her and Yoongi kissed each other's cheeks.

"Bye Yoon! Tell me how Kook's doing!" She yells as she makes her way out. Jin groans after and looks at him.

"You're stitches are hella nasty." He wrinkles his nose. The skin was yellow and white with pressure under the skin.

"At least it wasn't me and not the kids." He says frailly. He remembered hearing a war cry and a girl with a raised dagger pummeling towards the kids. He shielded them, causing the knife wound in his shoulder. The cry of Yoongi alerted Jungkook and imediantly fighting her off and Telling Jin to get the kids. He grabbed them and ran to the front desk and yelling to call 911.

The kids were terrified and for sure traumatized. Yoongi couldn't get his babies out of his head. His skin crawled and his soul howled for his babies.

"Yeah." Jin sighs. He looks up to find Yoongi softly crying, trying his hardest to keep it in.

He didn't have his kids with him.

His fiancé is in emergency surgery due to his artery being cut.

He almost died.

He got stabbed.

His house is burnt.

His babies' home was gone. Memories, gone. Baby clothes, gone. First haircut, gone. Everything.

Everyone's in danger.

Jin scooted in bed with him, careful not to irritate or mess with his wound and let him cry.

"I know, Yoonie... I know." He whispers and pats his hair, kissing it gently. He felt horrible for him. The shakes and cries of Yoongi was enough to bring tears to his own eyes.

"I'm sorry this is happening." He whispers and cards his finger through his hair.

"Oh, look at you two!" The sudden, shrill voice made them jump but then chuckle.

"How are you doing Yoongi?" Jungkook's mom asks and cups his face, wiping tears as Jin helps him sit.

"Everything's a bit heavy." He says as he tries not to cry. The older lady then hugs him, avoiding his wound.

"How's our other boy? Where's the kids?" The familiar gruff voice makes Jin tense.

"He's in recovery. Surgery went fine, they're just keeping an eye on him." Jin says as he gets up, arms crossed. "The kids are with a friend and his wife."

"Jin." He nods his head as a hello. "When will he be okay?"

"Not sure." Yoongi sniffles and frowns. "I'm worried." He mutters and Jungkook's mom coos.

"He's a strong boy." She whispers and reaches to rub Jin's arm. He kisses her on the cheek.

"Hi, momma." He greets with a warm smile.

"Have you boys eaten?" She asks and Jin nods.

"They fed Yoongi before his stitches and I had something from the vending machine."

"That not nearly as substantial as an actual meal. Babe, go order some food for them." She pushes her husband out their door, not bothering to listen to him. They can see him huff but stalk his way to the closest to go place.

Mamma Jeon goes to hug her other boy and gently hits him.

"Why don't you call your mother?" She lightly scolds and he chuckles.

"I assume your busy."

"I'm a house wife, Jin with 3 grown up children who never call their parents." She tearfully smiles. Yoongi aches for the mother with 3 distant children.

"Yoongi texts me more than my own children." She jokes but Jin guiltily nods.

"I'm sorry." He hoarsely whispers as leans into his mother hands that affectionately pats his cheek.

"See? What'd I tell you Yoongi? He's got my looks." She lifts the mood with a subtle joke.

But all their hearts still ache.

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