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Yoongi was asleep in the car.

Upon announcing that they all were to go out that day, the kids had begun crying. They screamed and cried, begged not to go. When they cave in and Jungkook said that he'd go alone with a heavy heart, the kids screamed more.

They had to physically hold them in their arms, with hands above their head and their little legs held between their thighs. They had so many bruises already from throwing fits, it hurt both parents to see them like this.

They were able to calm them and get them ready with only a little bit of crying and begging not to go out.

When they were able to put them in their car seats and Jungkook threw a large blanket, that he kept in the car, over them. Jungkook then threw a throw blanket over Yoongi, turned on the heat on low and put the neck pillow on him, since he doesn't want to hear his complaining.

He plugged his phone in to listen to music as he started the 45 minute drive to the hospital.

He was was so tired. He was nervous. He was to start work with his father soon. He hadn't told anyone about the baby situation. He had the kids to look after.

He's never been under this amount of pressure.

This kind of pressure.

He looks at his engagement ring and a similar flutter in his heart lightens him.

It's all worth it.

He felt for his necklace on his chest. It had the same gems as the twins had on their necklace. He twisted between his fingers.

His heart ached as his head searched for solutions that could help the two little ones.

He pulled into a gas station, gave some
money and a tip to the young boy working the pump and went inside. He grabbed two smoothies and two sandwhiches, a muffin, and a egg sandwhich. His puts two big bottles of coconut water down on the counter too.


"That'll be 26.87." The cashier says. When he looks up, he almost shits himself.

"W-wow! You're Jungkook!" He gasps as Jungkook takes his wallet out, searching for his card. He looks up with a cautious expression and nods.


"I hope you're okay! I-I read all that happened! I'm sorry for your loss." He pouts and Jungkook recognizes that he's young too. But, likes to act younger.

"Thanks..." he leans to read his name tag. "Haechan."

He enters the price manually as Jungkook waits patiently. He know that this area was known to not be up to date with recent technology.

"I'm sure you've never seen me... I usually work with Hoseok Hyung. I'm trainee at Bighit. So is that guy pumping your gas. His names Chenle. We're grouped with this guys who says he knows you..."

"What's his name?"

"Lee Mark. Mark Lee. He said his little sister went to ballet and he had met you guys at a dinner between you and his mom. He was inspired and wanted to be someone you worked with and be proud of. We're holding off because of the whole #TheSilence."

The news stunned Jungkook and he felt bad. The kid went through so much for them to drop like that and he still supported them.

He's such a sweet kid.

"Can I have his number?" He asks and he slides his card.

"Of course!" He smiles and writes it down as the receipt slowly prints.

"You have it memorized by heart?" Jungkook asked impressed. He didn't even know Yoongi's number by heart.

"Y-Yeah. We call a lot." He blushes and Jungkook nods slowly with a knowing smile and ruffles his hair.

"Well May you two keep calling a lot." He winks as he takes his stuff. He takes a 50 out of his wallet and give it to him.

"I-I- can't-"

"Yeah you can. Take it. Lessons and stuff are expensive. Take it." When he refuses, Jungkook leans in, "You either take it or I'm leaving it under a rock out there for someone el-"

The moneys gone.

"Thank you!" He smiles, brightly and Jungkook can't help but smile.

"No problem, kid."

He leaves the gas station with another 50 in his hand.

He needs to tell his mom to stop leaving money in their house on "accident".

"Hey." Jungkook smiles down at Chenle who looks at him with a slightly star dazed stare. Jungkook pushes the money into his hand.

"I hope your debut is successful and your music career is fruitful." He winks and Cooley gets into his car, driving away with a smile.

"What did you do now?" Yoongi hums, reaching out to rub Jungkook's arm. He knew that smile. He loved that smile.

"Those kids are trainees in Bighit. They were going to debut before this whole thing happened. They're doing the #TheSilence thing. They're in the same group as Mark."

"Our Mark?" He peeks over and Jungkook looks at him with a smile.

"I need to text him." Yoongi takes out his phone and begins to furiously type.

"He's such a sweet kid." Yoongi smiles at his phone as he texts Marks about future plans.

"Send him 50 bucks too." He says and Yoongi nods, fingers pressing to send money.

After a while, Yoongi reaches over and entertained their fingers.

"I love you." He sings softly to the tune of the song.

"I love you too~" Jungkook sings back in much better pitch and tone.

Yoongi stares at him before proposing his idea.

"Can you sing for me?"he softly asks him, bringing their hands to his cheek.

"Sing? Sing what?" Jungkook peeks at him with a thinking face.

"Paper hearts." He breathes out. He turns his body to watch Jungkook as he starts to prepare himself. He turns off the radio and opens his mouth, pushing air from his diaphragm.

Yoongi closes his eyes as he listens to Jungkook sing his favorite shower song. Yoongi has become accustomed to hear Jungkook song at least once a day. Wether that be the shower, with the children, to him, or just because. He always heard Jungkook.

He always heard Jungkook.

As he sits there's with his eyes closed, skin warm with sun, his hair flying like paper in air as the air blew as he listens to Jungkook-

He knows.

Jungkook's singing was the bells he heard.

His soulmate.

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