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Night had fallen apon them and the nurse had brought 2 cots in for the pending couple. It was dark, the only light was from the hallway where the nurses worked.

Minjae was already asleep from some medicine that the nurse had administered and Jungkook was watching over him as Yoongi took a call from Minseo.

"He's fine, baby girl." Jungkook could hear how tired he was. He softly kissed the little boys hand that laid limp in his hold.

"What a handsome boy." Jungkook chuckles and with his other hand, he brushes away the curly hair from his face. His still remembers the day Minjae called and asked if he could come with them to the salon because his dad finally said yes to a perm.

"Minseo just called. Worried, of course." Yoongi sighs and rubs his forehead, his eyebrows strerched up as his eyes tried to stay open.

"Jungkook, you have work tomorrow.," Yoongi began, trying to get the younger home again, "You really don't have to stay."

Tomorrow is a work day.

"Shit, Jin's got work." He curses softly and Yoongi's eyes widden before groaning.

"Fuck, I didn't think of that!" He hisses and his eyes start filling with tears.

"Wow, wow. Hyung." Jungkook was on his knees in moments, holding the elder's face with his hand from between his legs. He wiped away tears and kissed his nose.

"I'll pick up Minseo and we'll stay at your place. I'll just... Take her to work tomorrow. I'll explain to P.D.Nim what's going on, and that it was an emergency. Ok?" He whispered, giving little kisses to his lips between every few words.

"Will you be okay?" He sniffles after debating in his head if they'll be okay.

"Yeah! Yeah, I promise I won't fall in the shower."  He jokes and Yoongi gives a small smile.

"There's my pretty hyung." Jungkook whispers and Yoongi leans in to secure a firm kiss on his lips.

"Thank you, Jungkook." He whispers as he lays his forehead against Jungkook's, closing his eyes to keep in fighting tears.

"Hey, we're like family, no?" He chuckles and Yoongi slithers into his hold.

"Hold me for 10 minutes before you go."


The car ride was silent.

Jungkook clicked the radio on and quickly turned it off once American rap came on.

"Uncle Jungkook?" She softly spoke up.

"Yeah?" He looked in the reveiw mirror for a few seconds before focusing on his route again.

"Where's daddy?"

"With your brother. I'll be watching over you and you're gonna go to work with me tomorrow! Fun!" He fiends happiness when all he feels is his crippling anxiety.

He'll be alone with her for the night. And then keep her with him for the whole work day tomorrow.

"I'll be on my best behavior. Please take good care of me." She dismisses Jungkook's act and promises good behavior in a grave voice.

"Thank you." Jungkook breathes out before speaking up again, "You know Uncle Jungkook isn't the best, but I'm really trying. So, if there's anything I'm doing wrong or forgetting, please tell me." He speaks in all ease, knowing she liked it when Jungkook actually communicated feelings instead of hinting at anything or doing aegyo like other people. She wanted the truth from Jungkook and nothing else. She expected only that and Jungkook knew. Jungkook promised to keep to it.

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