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"Wheels on the bus go round and round, round on round," Jungkook muttered as the kids sang in the back seat of his car. He was focused on the road, setting to a supermarket in hopes that they still had the toy that he loved when he was younger.

"Uncle Jungkook. Where are you taking us?" Minseo asks as she looks at passing trees, shrub in her arms.

"Store. I need to pick something up." He says, turning a corner.

"Can we ride in the cart?" Minjae giggles and Jungkook looks back through the reveiw mirror and nods.

"Yeah. But you have to promise to sit down the whole time." He says, relieved that he didn't have to worry about one of them wondering off.

"We promise!" They sang out, making Jungkook smile.

These kids aren't so bad.

He turns into a supermarket, parking near the front. He got Minjae out first since he was a better listener.

"Stay by my side while I get your sister out." He demands and leans in to unbuckle the girl, fully aware of Minjae's hand firmly right above his knee.

"Alright, hold hand." He says holding both hands out.

"Daddy told us that we hold hands together, "Minseo holds up Minjae's hand to demonstrate, "and kids walk closest to parked cars." She then took Jungkook's hand so it was Minjae, Minseo and Jungkook on the outer end.

Jungkook just agreed and kept walking. As he went through the parking lot, he realized how much more safer it was to do it Yoongi's way and momentarily was impressed.

Jungkook grabs a cart and disinfects it, then one by one, put the twins in with a playful grunt.

On their way to the toy aisle, a child was spot, full on having a fit. Their mother tried collecting them, scolding them for such bad behavior and said that thats no way to act and they can't always get what they want. In return, the child pushed all the candy off with a swing of an arm. His mother gasped, red from anger and embaressment.

Jungkook walked too far to see what happened next but he felt irritated.

What a spoiled brat. Fucking kids, they do whatever.

"That wasn't nice." Minseo said quietly. Jungkook was going to speak up but Minjae had already begun.

"The worker person must have taken so long to put it up."

The thoughtful yet upset faces they had on made Jungkook a feel a little shock. Did kids really have the capability to understand why some things rude? Why they shouldn't do something like, destroy someone's hard work? To not empathize with a child who throws tantrums because they don't get what they want but rather, sympathize with the employees that stocked the shelves or even clean that up?

Jungkook always was so amazed with these kids.

"Daddy says not to destroy. Others have worked hard to put it together." Minseo says, her fingers playing with the bow on her shoes.

"Daddy also says that when he says no, its because he loves us. Saying no means that it wouldn't be the best thing for us." Minjae adds and looks up at Jungkook. "Why did that kid do that?"

Jungkook takes a second and looks at the two who stared at him with big expecting eyes. How does one explain one of the reasons they hate kids,gently, to a kid?

"Uh... You're daddy has done a very good job educating you on being a good person and the both of you have done so very well to become good people. Some kids don't think about other people's hard work-"

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