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Taehyung sat at a table with good spread about. It was a Western themed breakfast with toast and eggs. He had Minjae in his lap as they shared a meal.

"Say Ahhhh~" Minseo sang as she tried feeding him, like she always did. Like nothing was wrong.

"Sit down, baby. You're gonna fall." Jiwoo pats get bum to sit down. Minseo listens after dropping the strawberry in tae's mouth.

Taehyung noticed that it pained Minjae to walk so he had carried him everywhere. Protectively holding him close while the lady held hands with Minseo, the two getting along like best friends.

"Is the food okay?" Jiwoo asks Tae who just wordlessly nods.

"Good. I hoped it'd be. But hurry a little faster, the plane will be taking off soon."

"Where are we going?"

"Daddy invites us back to Germany, so I was thinking that we could stay with him. He has a mansion like a palace so it'd be okay. Plus, you can get away from the spotlight! I don't wanna raise the kids like that, you know?" She said as she cleaned up the mess she made in the kitchen. Tae watched her with malice.

"Does he know who I am?"

"A bit. Not too much." She shrugs and he frowns.

"Did my company respond?" He asked and she took out her phone.

"Hope everything's okay. Delayed till further notice, and keep your gates locked. Let us know if turns into red rose.... what the hell? I will never understand idol talk." She rolls her eyes and puts away the phone.

Taehyung understood perfectly and he tried not to smile.

Delayed till further notice meant that they got his message and keep your gates locked meant they called authorities. Red rose meant that they have their location and that bitch of a Sasaeng is GOING DOWN!

"We need to leave soon!" She sang as she began cleaning the place. She took plates and set them in the sink, frowning when she sees that Tae hadn't eaten that much. She makes a quick sandwich for him and shoves it into his hands. Before Tae knows it, she's gathered then all outside and was buckling the kids into a minivan.

She made sure Tae was in the van first before the kids, and tied his hands together with duck tape.

"Try and escape and I'll shoot." She reminds him. Taehyung nods and sits silently in the car while she loads the car up.

When she enters the car, he looks at her and inspects every detail so that he can say later how she looked to the police.

"You're gonna love it in Germany, Tae." She says faintly as she backs out of the drive way.

"Absolutely love it!" She grins as she blabs away about her new future with her kidnapped hubby and kids. She talks about her dad and the landmarks of where he lived. She talks about more kids, a home and pets. A while life made for the two of them.

"Now, I won't be lonely." She whispers, a sad smile and an odd gleam in her eye.


"Yoongi, Kook. Wake up." The three in a bed was violently woken up, Yujun almost falling off. As the days got, so did Yoongi. He's been sleeping in the middle of Jungkook and Yujun, feeling slightly better with the extra heat and constant cuddles.

"W-what?" Yoongi looked at Min who had wild eyes. She usually stayed up and wrote to balance out her second job. She didn't mind, as she could listen to the phone. She really didn't mind, especially that night.

"They found the twins."

Yoongi darted up, Making Jungkook fall off the bed. He sat up the moment he hit the floor, scrambling for his things.

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