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Their house was dressed in yellow. They had come back to discuss some things with the detectives. They decided to let Yujun stay home with Min, who may they add- always kept a switch blade knife on her nowadays. She always glared at people who stared too long and quote "will split her own dick" unquote if anyone dares mess with her friends while she's around.

They have also come to find out how truly weird she is. But, were overall very happy that she was so protective of them. They found Yujun smiling a bit more around Min who was constantly trying to distract when the air got too heavy.

The heaviness reminded Yoongi of the feeling he had in his bones right now. He walked the familiar tile floor, tissues clutched in his hand, and his hand in Jungkook's as he tries not to break down again.

These past few days have been heavy. He's aware of the statistics of missing children. He's more than aware of how long his children have been missing.

"We found how she got in." The detective grunts as he looks at his notes.

"She had keys. We found discarded ones in a sewer just a few meters from your house. We're going to need names of everyone that has house keys to your home."

"Uhm, we gave keys to only a few people in case of emergencies. We gave one each to Jungkook's parents, Jung Hoseok and Jungkook's sibling and my best friend, Jeon SeokJin."

"Emergencies... like?"

"Uhm- anything. Something having to do with the kids, needing to grab something, something to take care of-"

"What emergencies do you think of when you give keys to those you trust?" Jungkook scoffs. The officer peers up at the agitated young man. Yoongi gives him a disappointed look.

"Why do Jungkook's family gets keys and not your side, Mr. Min?"

"I have no siblings and all my family is located in Daegu. Both my parents are doctors, sir."

"A good amount of kidnappings happen within family circles and friends. Do you have a feeling or know if any loved ones would want to take your kids?"

"Oh God, no." Yoongi was repulsed by the thought and Jungkook's eyebrows furrow.

"They said this was another sasaeng attack. Why would you question our family like that?"

"You'd be surprised with the amount of people that hated you. Even the ones close to you." He sighs and closes his note books.

"I have to run those names through the system, call them in and interrogate. It's not bad, just procedure. We want to know how the kidnapper had gotten the keys." He says and he puts away his things.

"Look, your kids... Do you know if they'd go off with strangers...?"

"Definitely not. They have anxiety from the last sasaeng attack."

"What happened then?"

"Both me and Jungkook were stabbed trying to protect them." Yoongi's eyes began to tear up. "They we're aiming for the kids but I got in the way, Jungkook got stabbed in the arm and leg trying to protect us. His brother had taken the kids and called 911. Jungkook had gotten surgery as it cut his main artery."He says and the thick, pink scar on Jungkook's arm burned at the mention.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience of this all." The police sighed and shook his head. He hated cases like these.

"It's not your fault. I just want my babies safe."

"I miss daddy and papa." Minseo whisper to Minjae. They had their daily "play time" which was the girl locking them in a room while she headed to school. She would tell them that they were so lucky that they had daily play time alone. It means they're big kids.

It's sad, really. They kids were stuffed back into diapers during her leave, resulting in painful rashes. Minjae rarely talked now, Minseo only whispered.

Minjae had a fake phone in his hand. He pressed numbers that remembered. He alternated between 911 and his dads number. He only remembered the last 3 digits of Jungkook's.

He has those carnival nightmares again. Every time he slept. But, he didn't have Jungkook to comfort him when he woke up.

"Are you hungry?" Minseo asks her little brother. He just lightly nods and she crawls to the tub that had bread and snacks stuffed into it.

"Say awe!" She tries to be cheerful to her brother who soundlessly opens his mouth.

"Good boy." She praises and pets his hair as he chews. He lets his sister feed him between her bites. He didn't feel like talking anymore. His sister understood and did most of the talking herself. He was generally a quiet kid, but never this quiet. But, his sister patiently waits with open ears.

She cuddles up to him in the cold room, a fleece blanket around their shoulders and she closes her eyes. Minjae lets his sister sleep against him. They had content belly's and the little toys they had were boring.

So they slept to escape it all.

Minseo's dreams were made up of Daddy and Papa. Meanwhile, Minjae were made up of the same thing but resulted in the lack in them.

He wonders if they are even searching anymore.

He knows his daddy would never let a woman like her take them. Watch over them.

He knows this is wrong.

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