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That's what's sitting in his throat.

The anxiety of seeing his ex and being faced with the truth absolutely was messing with him head. Despite the hundreds of times that Yoongi had reassured him that they would get through this together, it still scared him.

He feared what this meant for him, his family. He was terrified.

The kids played in the child's playground, Yoongi and Jungkook watching as they awaited Yujun's arrival. Yoongi scolded Jungkook saying that he should have asked her to a more... Nutritious meal, but the younger said that she begged to go there because she was craving.

Yoongi was happy that this McDonald's had a playground so that they didn't hear the situation at hand.

Yoongi feels Jungkook stiffen up and his eyes follow a petite girl. Her eyes seemed tired and dull, red and swollen, but other than that- she was a fucking goddess.

Even Yoongi felt insecure looking at her.

"Didn't realize that you would bring company." She nervously laughed as she sat down.

"He... He didn't tell you- oh God, Jungkook." Yoongi almost groaned and Jungkook winced as he dodged his love's hand.

"I'm so sorry." He apologized but she gave a small smile.

"It affects all of us, so you have to be here too." Jungkook grumbles lowly and Yoongi frowns, glaring at him lightly.

"I'm sorry- is this... Your.. Boyfriend?" She guessed, not keeping up on his life since... Well, years actually. The on and off stuff really affected their relationship.

"Fiance." Jungkook corrects and her eyes widden hysterically.

"Oh God- I.. I'm so sorry-"

"Life happens." Yoongi sighs but gives her a small smile. "Why don't you come with me to order." He offers and she nods stiffly.

They make their way to the line, Jungkook eyes painfully obvious that he wanted to know what they were talking about.

"Hey, uh.. Yujun, right?" He continues after she nods, "I know...this is weird and difficult... We did discuss when was the last time he was intamate and can see where this stemmed and i just want you to know- I'm not mad. It happened in a time that me and Jungkook weren't together." He clarifies and she heaves a big sigh of relief.

"Really? Ah-"


"Yoongi." She nods, feeling it roll off her tongue.

"Yeah. It's not ideal for any of us, which means that we should help each other more than anything." He says before seeing that they were up. He allowed her to orde first and said she can sit down after.

She sat back down, her eyes creased dramatically and looks at Jungkook who's eyes were darting between her and Yoongi.

"I didn't say anything mean." She clarifies, "He was actually... Really sweet... Really understanding of this." She says softly, looking down a bit ashamed.

"Yeah, he is." He nods before leaning in, "You haven't been drinking, have you?" He narrows his eyes and ahe almost smacks him for being so forward.

"No, Jungkook. I get it, I'm a shit person but I wouldn't drink while pregnant." The word made both their mouths taste sour

"I'm just asking!" He says defensively.

Yoongi comes to sit down not long after, a receipt in hand.

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