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Breaking news: Jeon Jungkook And Min  Yoongi stabbed by Sasaeng at a mall.

Min Yoongi, Jeon Jungkook, Jeon SeokJin (Jungkook's brother) and the kids were out at a furniture store in a mall when Kim Seonju, 16, had seen them and grabbed a knife from her bag and charged.

She had stabbed Min Yoongi in the shoulder and when Jeon Jungkook pushed her away to protect his Fiancé, she had managed to strike him twice. One in the arm and one in the thigh.

They were rushed to the hospital, we got word that Min Yoongi seems to be fine but Jeon Jungkook is having difficulties, going under the knife in surgery. Seokjin was seen leaving earlier today with another male and female with the Min twins.

Officials are still trying to decide if this was premeditated. The sasaeng had commented offensive and threatening comments on all their social media accounts. These comments hinted at her motives. The weapon was recovered at the scene. A hair brush that can actually be used as a knife when the handle is pulled.

Kim Taehyung was seen rushing into the hospital later that day, as has not been seen since.

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Jeon-Min stabbing update

Kim Seonju was tried as an adult with 1st degree murder (attempt). It was revealed that it was premeditated and was associated with the other sasaeng that had set fire to the Jeon-Min residence. We will not reveal the where about of the children for safety reasons.

Min Yoongi is reported to have stitches and hospitalized with fiancé, Jeon Jungkook who had underwent surgery. He received 25 stitches in his leg, however the one on his arm was much more serious. If they had not been that close to the hospital, he would have died. The knife had hit a main artery in his forearm and was put into immediate, emergency surgery and was transplanted several pints of blood.

The two are stabilized and getting better. We ask you to not reach out to anyone they know or who are affected by this.

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Kim Taehyung retiring from the music industry!

Kim Taehyung has announced that his retirement at age 23!

"It was fun, but now my friends are getting hurt because of me and I can't have that." He says tearfully. Kim explains that he Yoongi is the one who made his dreams come true by adding an element to his music that he could never get. By continuing this path, he's afraid his friend will be even more hurt.

"He has a family. He's the one who makes music with me... He's done nothing wrong. Please, stop harassing them." He begs on his V-live.

He expresses his disappointment in the world and in some of his fans, as he sees a lot of people who said they'd stand with him, begin to harass those he loves.

Artists like Kim Namjoon, Red Velvet, Bol4, Suran, Amber Liu and Day6 are taking a hiatus due to The situation. Not all are Bighit artists but are taking a stand for this family.

"It's so sad to see that people will go as far as murder just because people have their own feelings and thoughts. They had family, kids. They had kids with them! I'm putting a pause on productions as a.... like a moment of silence for them. They're not dead, but they're going through some hard stuff." Amber Liu speaks out in her YouTube video explaining the stop of her music.

"Min Yoongi  and Jeon  Jungkook are very close friends. The twins are my God children so of course I'll take part of this." Kim Namjoon comments on V-Live.

Even the younger artists like Stray Kids, Nct Dream and TXT and speaking up about it.

"I don't know them personally- but this is wrong. My heart goes out to their family." Bang Chan expresses his thoughts on a V live and warns fans to let Idols and their friends and families be happy.

"Yoongi-thing really helped us during our trainee days. It's so hard to even fathom someone hating him." Beomgyu of Txt says in Idol Room.

Many artists are participating in #thesilence to share that this is how it would be without people like Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook who help behind the scenes but do extraordinary things for their music.

"They are the ones who make this possible. They are important." Taehyung reminds us all.

We hope for the best for the family and all I f the artists participating in #Thesilence.

Her.tear: Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook shall die. #thesilence

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