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"You're fucking kidding me." Yoongi stares at Jungkook, his face blank of emotion but Jungkook could see the rage behind his eyes.

"Every kid needs a dog, Hyung! Even me and Jin hyung had one."

"He hated us." Jin says with a sigh and a smilw as ge remembers the dog that snapped at him.

"Look at them!" Jungkook turns Yoongi's body to show him the kids that were playing with the brown toy poodle.

Holly was his name, and if it wasn't for already having two kids, he would have adored him.

"They love him." He whispers in the younger ears. He watches as the pup licks at the kid's greasy faces. They had gone to the buffet, and with the amount of food and sauces that stuck to the kid's clothes, the puppy was also having a buffet.

"Fine." Yoongi caved in and makes a sharp turn to Jungkook, "But you're walking him everyday."

"I'll be there after work then." Jungkook whispers before leaning in to kiss him on the forehead and running to the kids, screaming crazily. Yoongi grins wide as Jungkook pretends to fall and the puppy began attacking his face as the kids crawled on him.

"I hope you know that he's in love with you." Jin says from his table on the balcony. Yoongi sits with him and takes his mug of coffee that he was enjoying before Jungkook had ran in with the poodle, and sips on the sweetened concoction.

"I know." Yoongi sighs and bitterly smiles into his cup. He wasn't an idiot, he had eyes. Jungkook's crush on the elder was pretty obvious.

"I know. But, my question is: what are you doing?"

Yoongi stalls, swirling his coffee as he really tried to pull an answer from his frozen mind.

"Explain." Is all he says.

"What are you going to do about it? I mean, look at the boy! He oozes honey whenever you're just mentioned. He's gone as far as to make sure hes in your kid's lives everyday. Daily dog walking, offering to take both kids out on Thursday's and Tuesday's for, he's a sucker for them. The guy who didn't even go into a store isle if a child was in it, is slowly taking responsibility for your kids." He gives the three a pointed look, "And by the looks of it, he won their hearts. Minjae idolizes the man and Minseo is quite adhesive to him.

"I'm not trying to scare you, by the way." He adds, "But, my brother maybe dumb and empty headed, but once he loves a person he has this vault of thoughts in his head about them. It's like a profile box, he connects everything and saves all the information you say- he really gets to know you... He's incredibly involved with you and the twins. He looks foward to seeing you three everday, and I want to know if it's the same."

Yoongi stayed quiet and processed everything Jin was saying. He turned to the three rough housing. Jungkook was on all fours, the kids crawling all over him and around him, yelling commands at their 'army' to 'take down the monster'.

Of course he's come to realized their situation and he thought about it a lot. Bringing someone into his kid's life is a step that he has to be careful of.

"I like him. I do." He admits softly with a slow nod, "But, it's not just me anymore. It's my kids. He's the sweetest boy, he cares so much about me and my kids so much, it's so touching. But... He's young. Dating means potentially marrying. Is he ready for me? My kids? Plus, I don't know him well enough. Like I said, it's not just my life. I don't know what I'm doing either. But, i hope he really proves that he can stick through it all."

"That answer put half my anxieties at ease. I pleased with it... But, did you know that he thinks he's crushing on a hetero man?"

A small gasp shook Yoongi as he stared at him in shock.

"Yeah! No kidding! He mopes around saying you're straight."

"Did you tell him?" Yoongi whispers, leaning foward with amusement in his eye.

"Why would I?" Jin snorts and Yoongi is set into a fit of giggles.

"You're evil." He laughs and Jin shrugged.

"He keeps eating my left overs."

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