Why Women Are Emotional?

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Why Women Are Emotional?

Topic: Women's Mood Swings

By: AlyLith

"If you want a sympathetic ear, talk to a female friend. For active solutions, talk to a man, but don't get upset if he appears to down play how you feel."  – Anonymous

People will need to understand why women are so emotional. Don't take it as a disorder or anything; rather accept it as a fact. Because that’s what we are, not just one, but most of us.

Women are ruled by two things: part hormonal and part societal.


• One of the biggest reason why women are so emotional is the amount of Estrogen in our systems.

What is Estrogen?

• It is clear that estrogen is closely linked with women’s emotional well-being. Estrogen is linked to mood disruptions that occur only in women. That’s why women are extra emotional around menstrual cycle or PMS and also when they’re pregnant.

• Men on the other hand have a lot less estrogen in their bodies, making them biologically less emotional.

Frequently it is “socially acceptable” for women to express their emotions. In our society, the woman’s role has always to provide comfort by sympathizing with the feelings of others. Women are allowed to show fear and sadness and it is perfectly acceptable for us to cry in public.

We live in a society where if men show emotions they are considered weak or feminine. That’s why men are not good at expressing their feelings and thoughts and instead react angrily or aggressively.

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